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Leo's pov

We boarded my baby, the Argo II after dinner that night.

"So where's Nighmare Kids little trinket that's supposed to lead us to him?" I asked as we had a meeting by the control room.

"The 'trinket' is actually kinda weird. It's an egg." Piper said holding up an object a little bigger than a softball. The egg was dark night blue and had little bright spots all over it. It looked exactly like a clear night sky.

"Whoa, that's cool. It even has all the constellations on it." Only Annabeth would notice something like that.

"That makes sense. Nyx is called a guardian of the cosmos and constellations. It might be normal for a son of hers to have something like that." Jason joked.

"Stop it right now. I don't really care to get on the bad side of someone who can control hellhounds." Hazel said.

"Where's the potion tracker thing we're supposed to put on it?" Frank asked.

"Right here" Percy answered, pulling a small vial of green liquid of of my backpack.

"Let me see it." Annabeth ordered, then she uncapped the vial and carefully poured the precious contents onto the egg. Nothing happened.

"Uhhhh, any day now." I said awkwardly.

"Leo, ask Festus is he senses what direction were supposed to go" Annabeth said.

"Um, ok. Hey Festus, any idea where we're supposed to go in order to find Asher Montgomery, son of Nyx?" He asked the bronze dragon. A bunch of whirling sounds followed and Leo looked down at the control panel and grinned. "Boys, buckle up. We're headed to the Great Lakes State of Michigan."
Two hrs later

It took us two hours to arrive into Michigan. I've been on longer road trips but two hours? I was looking around the whole time in the Dark worrying that some night goddess would jump out of the shadows. I was ready to be done. The thought that after this we had to journey across the country to the Appalachian Mountains was crazy. In fifteen minutes we were soaring in my flying ship over some random wooded forest. In the dark. It wasn't that bad because everyone else was with me but still.

"Hey, Leo, you ok?" Hazel asked me in a concerned tone.

"Pshh, ya, neva been betta." I lied. "Why?"

"Because your nose is on fire!" Jason, Frank, Nico and Percy burst out laughing.

"Oh." I mumbled and swatted at my nose, I was had been wondering why it was so hot.

"His house is down there." I nodded toward the left side of the ship trying to detract the attention from me.

"So what's the game plan?" Percy asked.

"Well we could go right now but I'm not sure he's home. He might leave at night like his mom. If we stay here and wait till morning and he's not home he'll see the ship on his way back and might mistake us for enemies. If we go down now and he might think we're breaking in." Annabeth said.

"I have no idea what you just said but sure. Let's go now." I advised. That's exactly what we did.

Ashers house wasn't that creepy. It was a very large house but didn't look haunted at all. As we walked up the drive I could see a nice swimming pool and garden in the back. And a stable, I wondered if he kept night-mares in it. Pillars lined the white porch of the midnight blue home. It had white trim and a white door. It actually looked kind of inviting.

Son of Nyx- a Percy Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now