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Ok, so I remembered that Nyx is in HoH so ya...that's why I talked about who she was, because I forgot she was in the books! Anyway, I decided that the group has to get the crown back by Cristmas- the story is currently set in June. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Ashers pov

I walked out of the dining area and towards my room. I heard light footsteps behind me and looked over my shoulder to see Ava looking at her I-pod with earbuds in. As she walked past my room I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my chest.

"Oof, Hey wha-oh"she said.

"What kind of language was that?" I asked. She went to reply but I stopped her with a passionate kiss.

"Asher," she said pulling away, "what do you want?"

"Who says I want anything?" I pouted then continued, "except you." I finished wiggling my eyebrows.

"Asher..." She said, losing patience with my antics. She raised an eyebrow at me and flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder.

"Fine, fine, fine. Don't get your panties in a twist." I took I breath.

"Stop with the sex jokes!"

"Gee, take a chill pill woman. I've been waiting to talk with you all day."

"Gee, take a chill pill man." She copied.

"Are you suggesting I do drugs?" I asked, placing a hand on my chest.

"Ash-sure-wait no-arghh. What do you want?" She sighed in defeat.

"Well...I can't tell them where mom is. She  trusts me with that information. I can't betray her, but at the same time...I don't know, I don't them to get in trouble with the gods." I said.

Ava took my hand and looked up at me. "What ever you do, I'm with you. If you don't want to lie or betray your mom, then we can sneak out tonight. We can leave and head to Demigod Academy. Besides, we need to head back and help lead. After the war a lot of new demigods have come to our camp. You need to train them and I need to teach them. It's surprising that the other two camps haven't found out about us yet. We can go if you want."

"Okay. That's what we'll do. Meet me in my room at midnight and we'll sneak out. Just like we used to." She smiled at the memory and agreed.
The next morning
Percy's pov

As I was walking down to breakfast I passed Ashers door. I knew he wasn't a morning person, so he wouldn't be at breakfast yet. His room was quiet and I assumed he was sleeping. I knocked on the door and opened it. Empty.

I shrugged it off and continued strutting down the hall. My need for food was more important.

I hummed the theme song to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as I entered the dining room and got some blue eggs. Unfortunately the bacon was normal colored.

I turned around and noticed everyone giving me wierd looks.

"What?" I asked as I sat next to Annabeth.

"You walked in singing the song of a toddler show. And you were swaying your hips and pointing your chest out. Sorry man, but the world doesn't want to see you pecks." Leo said.

"Well, it's not my fault I have amazing man-boobs." I passed back.

"Them is not amazing." Frank said flatly.

"Whateva. Your just jealous that I have a girl who loves to see my man-boobs and you don't." I replied.

Leo started coughing, Frank chuckled, Jason and Piper shared a blush, and Hazel looked mortified.

"Umm...No comment." Annabeth said.

"This is disgusting.  How can you talk like that?" Hazel asked.

"Sorry. But don't think u didn't notice Jason and Piper blushing. Care to explain?" I asked smugly.

"I- uh-we...Hey where's Asher and Ava?" Jason asked.

"Wait, are you implying they did it? Before marriage?" Hazel asked ignoring Jason.

"This is the twenty first century!" Jason defended as Piper smacked her head on the table.

"Dude! You could have said no, instead of horrifying Hazel even more." Annabeth told him.

"You-wait...you didn't hear us?" Jason said.

"YOU DID NOT! IN MY ARGO II?" Leo screamed.

"No..." Jason said.

"Jason. Freaking. Grace. Do. Not. Say. Another. Word." Piper threatened, apparently forgetting to use her speaking freaking powers.

"But babe-" Jason was cut off as Piper stood up.

She grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking him up.

"Wait, this isn't a reenactment of when it happened is it?" Leo asked, but shut up by a look from Piper.

Piper let go of Jason and he fell to the ground. She grabbed his shoe, but it fell of, so she threw it at his face. Piper took hold of Jason's big toe and pulled him toward the door.

"Ow, ow, is, Pip-AWHHHHHHH!" Jason screamed as a popping sound was heard.

"Oh my gosh, did I break your toe?" Piper dropped his foot and rushed to his face, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Dang. Is this a reenactment?" Leo asked again.

"Did I make it better?" Piper asked, worried, ignoring Leo.

"No." Jason said.

"Oops" she replied.

"Guys." Frank said.

"Maybe you should go to the hospital Jason." Piper said.

"Guys!" Frank repeated.

"Where, we're kind of flying Piper." Jason said.

"GUYS!" Frank yelled.

"You could have said it civalaly instead of screaming." Leo told Frank.

"Civilaly isn't a word Leo." Annabeth informed him.


"Crap. Did they really run off?" I asked.

"Loks like it. All their stuff it gone. So are they." He told us.

"So?" Leo asked.

"So? So what are we going to do? Get killed by Hades?" I asked.

"No. We still have night boys magic tracker egg." He said, as if it was common sense.

"Your a genius Leo. Let's go find them." Annabeth said.

Yay, I did it!
I couldn't stop laughing this chapter.

Son of Nyx- a Percy Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now