Chapter 2 "The Past Returns"

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Sarah's POV

Sarah: *Mentally* We have been walking for 2 minutes, it's a long walk but at least I have my friends *Turns her head around* I mean Amanda is stubborn as usual, and Amber... She's too innocent, Geno is too protective, and (Y/N) is... Well, he's too overconfident *Closes eyes* But I love them they are my-. *Interrupted*

(Y/N): *Shouts* SARAH LOOK OUT!!

I turn around to see a Beowolf jumping straight at me.

Sarah: AHHHHH!

I close my eyes for the impact... But it never came, I opened my eyes to see (Y/N).

(Y/N): Stay away from *Shouts* MY SARAH!!!

I saw (Y/N) pull his new Dao-Blade. He starts to strike the Beowolf, he soon cuts the Beowolf in half but cuts it some more left and right, swings his blade behind, and puts his hand out.


(Y/N) released a big green energy blast mixed with fire at the Beowolf. The Beowolf was soon nothing but ashes. (Y/N) turns to me and hugs me really tight, this made me blush.

(Y/N): Are you OK, Sarah? *Hugs*

Sarah: *Blushing* Yes (Y/N) I'm fine, where are the others?

Geno/Amanda/Amber: We're right here.

I turned around to see more Beowolfs were dead.

Sarah: *Surprised* Did you kill them all?

Amanda: Yeah when you were down (Y/N) told us to take care of the rest. *Smiles*

Sarah: *Mentally* Wow... I can't believe (Y/N) would do that. *Remembers* "STAY AWAY FROM MY SARAH!!!" *Blushes*

I look up seeing (Y/N), Amanda, and Amber smiling at me. (Y/N) picked me up bridal style not even letting me say anything. Why am I blushing so hard what's going on with me? I see Geno and the look on his face makes me wanna silence him.


(Y/N): We need to go faster now before we're late guys

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(Y/N): We need to go faster now before we're late guys.

Amanda: OK *Pulls out cube* Amber, you're coming with me *Throws cube to transform to a motorbike* hop on and let's go.

Amber: OK Amanda *Gets on the bike* (Y/N), Geno are you joining us?

Geno: *Smuggily* Nah, My brother and I will run and I think (Y/N) will carry Sarah with him. *Starts running*


(Y/N) started running holding Sarah while Geno went ahead and Amanda started driving with Amber behind her but unknown to Geno and (Y/N) that Amanda, Amber, and Sarah were thinking of (Y/N).

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