Side Chapter Nightmare

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A/N: Y/N is 14 years old, Amber is 15 years old, Sarah is 16 years old, Amanda is 16 years old, and Geno is 15 years old.

Geno's POV Location: Dragon Valley

I ran to the Dragon Valley to find HIM but instead found my "brother" but I knew it wasn't him.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Geno: You're not him, so don't even pretend!

(Last Chance)

I started the rap battle and this faker kept pretending to be my brother before giving up and revealed its true form.

I started the rap battle and this faker kept pretending to be my brother before giving up and revealed its true form

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Demon: I should've expected you to see my façade but you're still going to lose.

I ignored him and kept singing until I had enough.

Geno: *Shouting* I. WON'T. LET. YOU WWWWIIIINNNN!!!

???: Open your eyes.

I was in a black void with the demon looking directly at my soul and it was trying to break my will. Until a new person joined in.

???: Having fun Geno? I hope you enjoyed watching all those sealed fates

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???: Having fun Geno? I hope you enjoyed watching all those sealed fates. You knew what was going to happen but you just watched, didn't ya? You led him right to me.

A/N: End the song here.

Location: Team Planet's Treehouse

Geno: NO I DIDN'T!!!

I woke up from what seemed to be a nightmare, I looked at my brother safe from HIM and I let out a sigh of relief and I think I woke everyone in the house up because Mom walked in the room.

Lilac: Geno, are you ok?

Geno: *Sighs*No, I had a nightmare.

Lilac: *Worried* Is it the same one as before?

Geno: About the robots coming to get me? No, it was different this time.

Mom looked at me and hugged me letting me know I was safe.

Lilac: Can you tell me about this nightmare?

Geno: Maybe another time Mom.

Y/N: Geno, why were you *Yawns* yelling?

Geno: Sorry if I woke you up, little bro.

Y/N: Nah, it's fine.

Amber: *Waking up* Good morning Geno, Y/N.

Geno/Y/N: Morning Amber.

Amanda: Geno, why were you yelling? You ruined my dream.

Geno: S-Sorry about that, Amanda.

Y/N: Good morning, Amanda.

Sarah: Good morning, you two.

Geno: Oh hey Sarah.

Y/N: Where were you?

Sarah: I was training.

Y/N: *Yawns* I'm gonna go back to sleep.

Geno: Oh no ya don't Y/N. We're going to have a Rap Battle. 

Amanda: I haven't seen you sing before Y/N, so I want to know how you sound.

Amber: *Smiling* I believe that you have a nice voice Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks girls, but let me rest.

Amanda pulled the blanket from Y/N and was about to say something but saw that Y/N didn't have a shirt on and started blushing and ran out of the room. Amber and Sarah were confused until they saw Y/N and also ran out the room, Geno knew why they were blushing and so did Lilac except Y/N who decided to get up.

A/N: Short side chapter because I wanted to include the song Last Chance in this story and reveal the main villain of this story: The Harvester who appeared in the FNF Corruption Mod where it seems he has control and caused the Corruption.

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