chapter 1//

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Captain America's: the first avenger
1942, WWII, Polly's POV

"Isn't this lovely doll?" James said beside me. We are walking to Howard stark conversion. It's James last night before he gets shipped off to England by the army.
"It so is James"I replied to him in a sad monotone voice. He put his hands on my shoulders and stopped our walk in-front of an alleyway.

"Hey poll please don't be sad, let's forget I'm leaving tomorrow and enjoy this night together. Can you do that for me?"
"Of course darling I'm sorry"
He pulled me into a hug.
"Don't apologise dol-" he was cut off by the sound of a bin fallen over. We both looked down the alley and saw some guy beating someone up. I recognised who was getting beat straight away.

"Honey that's Steve go help him" I told James urgently.
"Okay doll you stay here alright"
"Yes now go"

I watched as he walked down the alley. I was upset as this always happens. But James was always there for Steve. Steve and James have been friends for the longest time. They met me in high school, me and James instantly hit it off and we soon got together he's the best thing to ever happen to me. Steve is such a kind soul. He's my best friend, im always here for him and him for me. I feel so bad for him. He just wants to be in the army like his father but he's got all kinds of problems. Me and James tried to tell him he won't get in before he tried to enlist the first time but he didn't listen, though it definitely helped the heartbreak went he got rejected, he tried to enlist countless times after this still. Poor guy. I was cut off my thoughts when I saw James punched then kick the guy beating up Steve. My stomach erupted in butterflies watching this.

"Hey Polly, you look lovely" Steve said as he approached me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.
"Why thank you Steve" I replied pulling out the hug and helping to brush dirt and straighten his clothes out.

When we arrived, I was telling Steve about my friend Linda that I called to come meet, we stopped a phone booth on the way of course.
"Hi Linda" I shouted as I spotted her in the crowd.
"Hi Polly" she replied as we hugged. Linda is my hairdresser, that's how I know her she's definitely loves the attention from the men.
"Hi Bucky"she says flirtatiously. She definitely has thing for James. Can't blame her though. Ever since I introduced them she acts so different around me I thinks she a little jealous but who wouldn't be.
" uh hi Linda" James replies dryly.
We made our way to stage. Pushing through the crowd pulling james by his hand. I was so excited
"It's starting" i excitedly said. As the show began we all clapped.

When the show ended James said to Steve.
"Hey, Steve what do you say we treat these girls.."
Though Steve wasn't there.
"Poll where's Steve"
"What? He was just here a minute ago trying too offer me some candy" Linda said with a weird face on.
"Oh um I don't James" I said looking around. Then I saw the enlist sign and the recruitment office.
I sighed " I bet he's in there"

Me and Linda was chatting whilst James was getting Steve.
"What's taking him so long?" Linda questioned. I turned and saw them talking.
"Hey Sarge! Are we going dancing?" I shouted over.
"Yes we are" James shouted back.
They hugged then James saluted Steve
"Come on girls. Hey poll there playing our song" James said as he approached us. I waved bye to Steve. He waved back. I didn't bother to question James as I knew this would happen. Steve hates dates and is obsessed with trying to get in the war.

James was right when we got to the dance floor Doris Day's song sentimental journey song was playing. This is mine and James song. We dance to it every chance we can. James had his hands on my waist and mine were around his neck as we swayed to the song and sang the lyrics to each other. Linda had already managed to find herself another man.
"You're so beautiful doll" James admits.
"Is my handsome James complimenting me?" I sarcastically answered him.
"Polly I always compliment you. All. The. Time" James replied. I laughed and tossed my head back, which gave him the perfect opportunity to start kissing my neck.
"Ya know doll your the second person in my entire life I actually let call me James?" James questioned me.
"And why is that sarge?" I questioned back.
"Because only the most important, precious, beautiful people can. I let you because it makes me feel like I'm important to you."
"Awh James. You are the most important person in my life. But I gotta ask sarge who is the first person?"
"My grandma" james replied as our song ended and he took my hand and led us to a table near by with our drinks on.

A couple hours later. Me and James decide to head home. We managed to get a taxi as it was far too late to walk back. Linda went home with the guy she found whilst dancing. When we got home I went to our shared room in to get ready for bed. I stood in front of mirror removing my necklace. My blonde hair was in loose curls from my rollers. I had a crème dress that was covered in flowers that where sewed in and it came to my knees. I had nude colour tights and some white heels. Also, some red lipstick, blush and a little powder. James came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear.
"You gonna make this night special for me doll" he unzipped the back of my dress.
"Of course sarge" I said turning around and kissing him. He opened his mouth and slipped his tongue into mine. Our tongue danced with each others. He then pushed my dressed of shoulder as I started with his tie. He already removed his jacket. He dipped his hands into my tights and pushed them down my legs.

When he got to behind my knees he bent them and hoist me up to wrap my legs around his waist. We went into full blown make out session as we walk us to the bed. I started to unbutton James shirt.
"Your so handsome James, so handsome"
"Doll your driving me crazy" he said as he continued to kiss me and pushed his hips into my centre so I could feel his bulge. I whimpered into his mouth. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra before throwing in the floor. He mouth went straight to my nipples.
"So. So. So beautiful. Darling" he told me in between sucking.

His hand ventured down my stomach and into my underwear.
"Ugh, your so wet for me doll"
"James.." I breathlessly moaned and he stroked up and down my slit. I moaned loudly and he sunk two fingers into me. Pumping them fast I was a whimpering mess underneath him.

My hands roamed over his toned body as he took my nipple into his mouth. He them pressed his thumb to my clit flicking left and right and putting just the right amount pressure.
"James, I'm so close"
With me saying that he stopped took his fingers out and sucked them clean. I sighed at the loss of contact.

"Can't have you coming on my fingers now doll can i?" Then he smashed his lips on mine.
I could taste myself on his tongue as they moved together. I felt his move as he removed his boxers them my underwear all without breaking the kiss. My hands pulled at his hair as I felt his tip rubbing against my entrance. I moaned and he groaned into my mouth as he sink himself inside me. He waited a minute for me to adjust.
"Move James"

With that he came back a thrusted back in. He slowly built himself a rhythm before he was thrusting fast and hard into me. He propped himself up on one of his forearms as the other hand grabbed mine and held by my head.
"So tight poll. So beautiful" he grunts in my ear.
"James I'm so close" I shouted as I felt the familiar feeling bubbling inside of me.
" I know baby doll, me too"

All that could be heard threw the room was our skin slapping together moats and groans they where filling the room. I couldn't hold it anymore. I moaned loudly as my orgasm hit me. James groaned in my ear as I felt his dick twitched and his load fill me.
We laid they for a little in each others arms, each others company.
"Come in doll let's get you cleaned up" he said as he picked me up and took me over the the bathroom.
He set me up on the sink and grabbed a cloth. Wet it them cleaned me. I them went to loo and James went to get water. When I finished, James was in his boxers putting the water on our bedside table. I got changed into my nighty and joined him in bed. He pulled me into him and I snuggled into his chest.
"I love you my darling James"
"I love you more my beautiful Polly"

Hi all! Thank you for choosing this book hope you enjoy.
Be kind, choose love always.
M x

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