Chapter 20- True love

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Brooke's head was tilted to the side, and her eyes met Uma's. As the girl in front of her pointed at her eyes, then her own as if to say eyes on me.

Her mind was dizzy and fuzzy. There are so many thoughts racing around in her head that she felt as if she could faint.

The deep breath didn't help, nor did the stretching of her hand.

She groaned out loud, gaining peoples' attention as she tilted her head to the side away from Uma.

It felt as if an elephant was in her head and banging against the walls of her brain trying to jump out.

"Brooke." Mal spoke as she and Evie walked down the steps to be in front of Brooke and Uma.

It stopped, and the noise had gone silent. The elephant stopped its rampage inside her mind.

Her mind went quiet, and the thoughts stopped racing against each other.

All that came to her mind at this moment was them. Mal and Evie.

"Brooke, look at me." Mal spoke softly, making Brooke's dark brown eyes look into Mal's bright green ones.

Mal could see it now, the certain haze they held behind them as if she were trapped.

Uma slid next to Mal. "No, look at me." Uma grabbed at her hand. "You love me, remember?"

Evie shook her head as she stood beside Mal. Her idea was to let Mal handle this, seeing as it was the two of them who git them in this situation in the first place.

"No, no, you don't." She couldn't bite her tongue. Not when she heard Uma use the L word to convince Brooke.

Evie and Mal had tears in their eyes, the lights shining on the tears, making it look like they had stars in their eyes.

Well, that's what it looked like to Brooke, who couldn't look away.

"Yes, you do." Uma rushed out, getting Brooke's attention when she spoke up.

Her eyes were wide with confusion. Her mind was now all over the place again. Flickering back and forth between Mal, Evie, and then to Uma.

Mal shook her head, her hands wanting nothing more than to reach out for Brooke, but she made them stay at her side, seeing how confused Brooke looked.

"Brooke, look at me." Mals voice was soft, the opposite to Uma's. Her tone was pleading and gentle as if she were trying to talk Brooke through the morning.

Uma turned towards fairy godmother. "Bring down the barrier now!" He yelled.

Brooke flinched at the loudness of her voice, her mind going haywire again.

"Mal." Evie whsipered, making them look back at Brooke, who seemed to be struggling more and more.

"I do not take orders from you." Fairy godmother told the girl. She only took orders from Queen Brooklyn.

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