33 - Hades

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First love, do you remember what that felt like? Brooke's mind asked her

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First love, do you remember what that felt like? Brooke's mind asked her. Do you remember the times you had together, the smiles you shared, the laughter you made with each other.

When you first fall in love, when you first develop those strong feelings for someone, it's hard to just wipe them away.

Audrey was Brooke's first, her first everything. Kiss, first time, Audrey was Brooke's first feeling.

That feeling doesn't just go away.

Brooke loved Mal and Evie more than anything in this entire world. She would die without them. She could hardly breathe as it was without them near.

They were her life, the very reason she existed. Without Evie and Mal Brooke, it simply would just not exist.

"You okay?" Evie questioned as her hand rested in Brooke's chest, snapping the girl out her thoughts.

Brooke looked down at her. "Yeah. I'm just.." Brooke trailed off as she looked back towards the pink bed.

"Worried." Evie filled in.

"Yeah." Brooke breathed.

Her brown eyes were hard and raw with emotions as she stared at Audrey, laying on her bed unmoving. The only sign that the girl was awake was her chest moving up and down slightly.

They all stood in Audrey's bedroom, the amount of pink infectioning Brooke's eyes. Brooke had been here many times, but the amount of pink still made her slightly dizzy.

Brooke placed a hand on her chest, moving lean against the wall, as Evie took a seat opposite Mal the two at the end of Mal's bed. Audrey's grandmother was in here as well as sat stroking her granddaughters hair.

The Queen couldn't help but worry, Audrey may be her ex-girlfriend. But before that, they were friends.

"She'll be okay." Carlos whispered to her as he came to her side. He was watching her fiddle with her ring.

"And if she's not?" Brooke questioned. "Should I buy a pink coffin?" She didn't mean to sound so harsh or loud, getting looks from everyone in the room.

"Brooke." Evie warned, raising an eyebrow in waring at both her fiance's who couldn't help but smile.

It seems Evie was the only one sensitive in a life or death situation, seeing as Brooke and Mal both wanted to make jokes and laugh about the flowers to put on Audrey's grave.

It wasn't that they didn't care. It was just how they dealt with death. Or, well, the idea of death.

"She's slipping away." Evie said, as she took one of Audrey's hands in her own.

Brooke went back to passing the floor hard floor, Harry kept a watchful eye on her from his spot on the sofa. Carlos decided to take a seat in the chair near the window where Celia sat. Jay stood at the fireplace, and Uma stood at the end of the bed.

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