[ 36. creepy black van ]

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| y/n's pov |

AFTER PERFORMING IN Spain, Italy and Greece in the span of three days, we were in France.

As we were guided into the hotel by Chicago, I was feeling sick.

"Okay, welcome to the South of France." Chicago said as we walked into the lobby. "We wanted to do something kind of special for you guys."

"This feels like a group date on The Bachelor." Flo stated as we marvelled at the sight of the hotel's interior.

"You good, dude?" Beca asked me as we put down our bags and I nodded.

"Oh, yeah, I'm great." I nodded, glancing at my phone. I hadn't spoken to Jesse since Spain because of how busy I'd been, along with the time zones. It was 3 am in L.A. at this point in time, so if I had texted him, he wouldn't have even seen it.

We hung around in the lobby before getting to our rooms and leaving our bags.

"Hey, Y/N, we're gonna go out and look around." Chloe said, sticking her head into my room. "You wanna come?"

I felt like I was going to throw up. I actually did in Greece the morning we got there. It was probably just a mix of nerves and being so tired and...

I jumped to my feet before running to the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet.

"Oh! Y/N, are you okay?" Chloe rushed over and I nodded.

"I think I'm just homesick." I shrugged it off before vomiting a little bit more. Chloe rubbed my back until I was okay.

"You sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's only happened today and yesterday morning." I played it off. "I'm sure I'm fine, I'm just tired, or maybe I ate something—"

"Or..." Chloe quirked an eyebrow and smiled.

"Or what?"

"When was the last time you and Jesse did it?"

"Did it? What are we? Twelve?" I scoffed before answering. "Like a month ago."

"Ooh. And when was the last time you got your period?" She asked.

"Seriously, Chloe? Like two months ag... oh."

Chloe grinned and clapped her hands together. She stood up and grabbed my hands. "Come on, we're going out."

"Where?" I asked, trying to push down the horrible sick and nervous feeling in my gut that had bubbled due to my recent epiphany.

"Out and around with the others, but first we need to find you a pregnancy test." Chloe seemed super excited and I was at a loss for words.

Stacie had just given birth like three days earlier and now this was happening? And why did it have to happen when I was in France and Jesse was in Los Angeles.


LONG STORY SHORT, after taking three different tests, all three results said positive.

I CAN SEE YOU; jesse swanson x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now