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I flip the half cooked pancake over in the pan, my stomach growling.

Nick walks in, dressed in his workout clothes after just waking up. He comes over and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, "that smells so good."

"Extra protein just for you." I said.

He laughed before grabbing the pitcher of orange juice for us and setting it on the table.

Nick spent the night at my house often. It always made me imagine what it would be like if we did permanently live together. I loved waking up to him being there beside me.

"I've got to do some packing back at my place after my run this morning." Nick says as he takes a seat.

I set the plate of food on the table and take a seat across from him, "I got called into work. I guess there's a transport of dogs coming in today."

"Isn't there always?" He laughed.

I smiled, "pretty much. But if I get off early, I'll come help you."

He smirked, "We both know you won't be getting off early Trin."

I was working a lot, that was true. I was trying to get a higher up position at the shelter. A goal of mine I set a few months ago. Nick was in a school and I was working, it didn't make a lot of time for us.

When we got together, officially, it was so special. And we were all about each other. But real life quickly got in our way and it was hard to make time together. And then he dropped the bomb to me about law school only a month ago.

I had all of these plans in my head about our future once graduated college.

Plans that he didn't even think of.

Because he had other plans that didn't involve me.

It was a long day at the humane society and it was only 2:00pm.

I finally got out to my car to grab my lunch box I forgot. As I made my way back inside, the construction crew had arrived.

We got enough donations to add an addition. More room, meant more animals we could save. I glanced at the workers scoping out the area as I walked by.

I knew immediately by that mop of black curls that it was Joe. I hurried inside before he could see me. I wondered why he didn't say they were the ones doing the work. It's not like he doesn't know this is where I work.

"You see that hottie working out there?" I heard one of my co workers, Tonya, say to my boss Julia. Julia giggled and nodded, "the curly headed one?"

I rolled my eyes as I made my way to my desk to eat.

Of course I would over hear that.

And of course it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach.

But it doesn't matter.

I picked Nick.

Whatever happened with me and Joe, was over. There's a reason we ended things. It didn't feel the same. The spark was gone. And I wanted Nick.

It's just...

It was a lot easier to forget about Joe when he wasn't around.

And what they say is true. You never ever, forget your first love.

"You okay Trinity?" Julia asks. I hadn't even realized she stopped in front of my desk.

"Yes sorry." I said, opening up my lunch container.

"You were totally spacing out." She laughed, "were you fantasizing over the construction boys too?"

I forced a laugh, "that's all you and Tonya."

"Yeah well," she glanced over at Tonya, "that curly headed boy better watch out for her."

Of course she would say that. They have no idea I know him, or even date his brother. I'm friends with them at work, but not o it side of it.

"Shut up Julia!" Tonya called over.

I laughed, "can a girl eat her lunch?" I questioned.

"Yes, but do it quickly!" Julia hollered as she walk away.

It was almost seven when I clocked out of another 12 hour work day. I was exhausted and Nick texted that he was tired from packing and he would see me tomorrow.

After a long hot shower, I lay down on my couch and cuddle with my rescue pup, a miniature schnauzer mix named Molly. She looks up at me with thoughtful eyes and I give her a pat on the head.

My phone rings, and it's Danielle.

"Hey Danielle." I answer.

"Hey girl. I wanted to run something by you. Was thinking we have a going away party for Nick before he goes?"

"Sure." I hated the idea, but I know how much Danielle likes to throw parties.

"Yay!" She says, "I'll take care of everything. You just make sure you get Nick here. This weekend, okay?"

"Sounds good." I tell her.

It will be good for Nick to see his friends before he goes. I'm sure Danielle will make it fun. I guess I just don't like the idea of anything involving a goodbye.

I'm just not ready to say goodbye to Nick.

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