Chapter 58 - End of house arrest

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Sage spent the rest of the week resting, barely leaving her room at all as per her father's and the doctor's orders.


"I feel like my ass has turned square." My brothers snickered at my comment from my bedroom door.

I can't even be alone in my room anymore!

"A little privacy would be appreciated," I observed and was met with a snort from one of the two pig heads.

"Privacy? I've never heard of it!" Diesel smartly responded and left laughing after slapping Vin on his back, good-humored.

He's been in a good mood since we received the news that Blaze recovered. That and he went back to getting his dick wet whenever he pleases. DISGUSTING!

I caught him on camera yesterday while I was browsing through the security footage at the warehouse bar crap I officially met my father in. Poor Hazel was with me... The sign was as revolting as the first time! Grandpa even threw out my shoes because I vomited on them.

Asshole, I thought and rolled my eyes before Vin's arms appeared in my line of vision, and grabbed the jacket I was thinking of wearing today.

"What was that for? I can grab my own jacket." I snapped.

I'm tired of these two.

I'm also tired of being locked inside my room. And I'm tired of being away from my daughter!

And hell, who the fuck wants siblings? All they cause is trouble and headaches. They're annoying! If anyone wants mine, I will gladly donate them. We have to be charitable from time to time.

"What? I can't help my lovely little sister now?" Vin retorted and helped me dress the jacket.

"Lovely? Ha!" I snorted and shrugged him off.

This one must be drunk or something.

Who does he think he's trying to butter up? A common whore from the street corner? Even those have higher standards than my brothers!

"You know, we might not say it, but we love you, Sage." He attempted to sound serious, but to me, he was off his rockets!

Who could love me? Certainly not these dysfunctional brothers of mine.

Or maybe they could... They're the crazy ones, anyway!

"Yeah, yeah." I scoffed. "Love ya too," I mumbled, shooing him away.

"Out of my room! If you want to be helpful, feed my raven and tell him I'm going out to visit Blaze." I pulled a smiling Vin out of my room and banged the door closed behind him.

The guy looked creepy while smiling. It was as if someone split his face horizontally from how wide his lips stretched.

That can't be normal.

"Why do I have to speak to the raven?" Vin called from outside my door.

"Because he'll make up his mind after." He tended to like going out with me, but after this week of lockdown, he got bored and went touring around alone.

"Sage, where are you going?" I got dressed and went downstairs, passing through the kitchen to grab a liquid yogurt and a piece of bread with ham on my way out.

"Where's the garage?" I ask through the bread in my teeth while I open the yogurt.

"What?" My cousin asked, looking puzzled

"SAAAGE! YOUR RAVEN BIT ME!" I rolled my eyes at Vin's complaint from upstairs, tossed the yogurt cap to the trash, and took the bread from between my teeth.

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