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We get to a big building after another long time of moving.

We are taken inside by the man making the metal thing move. We are taken to a room with white walls. Then a few women and a man walk in. They are holding rectangular brown things. "Could you all tell us your names?" A woman with the scent of an Unlabeled asks. 

Five speaks first. "Five, and he is Eighteen." He says quietly. Eighteen has not left him once. Seventeen has stayed in my arms as well. After a moment, Two speaks. "I am Two." She says. Then Seven says hers. "And that is Four. He cannot talk." Seven explains. I am the last to speak.

"I am Zero. This is Seventeen." I say. All the new place people look at me in wonder. "You were first?" The man asks. "Yes." I say. "What happen to all the numbers in between?" A women asks. "Dead. The pups that came before escaped." Two says. "Yes, they are safely back with their families." Another women says. Thank goodness. They made it.

"What about these two?" I ask, referring to Seventeen and Eighteen. "We are working on finding the little boy's parents. But the little girl was sold. We are not giving her back to her original caretakers."  The man says.

I look down at Seventeen sadly. This poor baby. Shes only 3 years too.

"Do any of you want to have a different name?" A woman asks. I look at her confused. Change our names?

"The little boys name is Levi. He is 6 years old." The man says. "And the little girl has not been truly named." He continues. I look to the others. They are all smiling at the thought. "Can we think about them for a while?" Seven asks. "Of course. Take as much time as you need. But we will be treating the wounds that you each have. And you all will be having some new visitors soon." Says a woman.

They begin treating us, once they are finished, they leave. "What should we change our names to?" Two asks. "I was given a name before I was taken." Five speaks up. "It was Kelli. I think that is what I want it to be." He finishes. "Kelli..I like it." I comment. He turns and smiles at me. "How about you, Zero?" Two asks.

I think for a moment. "Everett sounds nice. I heard it once before, I don't quite remember where though." I say. "And Seventeen?" Seven asks. I look down to her sleeping face. "Maybe..yes. I think it'll be Ashyr." I reply. "And you, Two?" I ask. "I was thinking of my mother. I want her name, to remember her always. Lia. That's my name now." She says with a warm smile.

"Seven?" I ask. "I've been thinking about this for a while actually. I came up with one a little bit ago. I really like the sound of Beatrix." She replies. We all turn to Four. He just points to Five. "Do you want me to pick?" He asks. Four nods. Five thinks for a moment. "How about...Luca?" He asks. Four-Luca's eyes light up. He nods with a smile.

- - - - - -

So, I'll sum it up for you guys.

Zero is now Everett

Seventeen is now Ashyr

Seven is now Beatrix

Four is now Luca

Eighteen is now Levi

Two is now Lia

Five is now Kelli

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