It's Almost Time

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The man came back again this morning.

He took the other little boy. Only Seventeen remains. I sit and wonder why she wasn't taken along with him as I cradle her in my arms closely. She will only remain quiet with me. She bursts into a fit when she's with anyone else. I may remind her of her parents or relatives.

Today has been unexpectedly slow. None of us has had a client yet. A few of the rouges have come in and given us a beating, but I do not think any of us care. The beta will be back tomorrow. Hopefully the man comes to take Seventeen soon.

Seventeen begins to fuss as she wakes from her nap. I hold her closer to me, trying to get her to calm down. If the rouges hear, they'll hurt her. I rock her and shush her, praying for her to quiet down. Her head gets pressed to my chest as I continue to try to calm her.

She breathes in and immediately calms down. I do not know why she is so calm with me, the only thing I can think of is her parents must both be males, one being an Omega. I'm not saying we share a smell to us, but we can have the same..feel to us, due to all of us being able to give birth.

The door bangs open as a small child is thrown in, being freshly beaten. 

Another one? I thought this was over.

Me being unable to get up, Five goes to comfort him. The little boy is now marked as Eighteen. He looks about 6 years old, so same age cluster as the others were. 

"Why is there another? I thought this was over?" Seven asks, voicing my concerns. None of us had an answer. Eighteen is calm within an hour and is asleep due to the exhaustion crying brings. We sit and wait for something to happen, but nothing ever really does. We sit quietly due to the two sleeping children. 

There is yelling outside the door, causing all of us to jump and tremble. Eighteen stirs awake and stares wide eyed at the yelling, tears start to form in his eyes as he shook. Seventeen wakes as well, not being as quiet. 

She wails loudly as I rock her and try to calm her down. "Please be quiet, baby, please.." I whisper quickly. She doesn't stop or quieten down. The door bangs open and a Rouge walks in. "Shut that piece of shit up!" He yells angrily.

Seventeen just gets louder. He walks over to us and swings his leg at her. I quickly move so he kicks the back of my shoulder instead. He continues to kick as I end up laying on the floor, holding Seventeen tightly, and covering her with my body.

Everyone shrinks back and watches with pained and sorrowful expressions. The Rouge finally stops his attack after inflicting painful damage. He walks out and slams the iron door closed. Five, Seven and Two rush to me, making sure we are both alright. Thankfully Seventeen is okay minus a few small bruises on her arm.

The others apologize over and over for not helping. I continuously reassure them I'm alright.

"It's almost time.." I mumble to them, letting them know I'm okay with anything as long as we are free tomorrow.

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