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Jake's POV:


wtw ✅

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(Post yesterday) The wait is Over! The brand new version of H&M! ✨Liked by 48,133,481 others

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(Post yesterday)
The wait is Over! The brand new version of H&M! ✨
Liked by 48,133,481 others...


Mikaelisa_: "AHH THE WORLD IS BECOMING GAYER!!!!! ❤️👏"
SUNOOKIM ✅ : "Jae Yun?? WHAT."
XXZwathafak89: "NEW CRUSH UNLOCKED...."

Jyp_isrealofficial_. ✅ : "oh???😍"

Mikaelisa_: "caught in 178K Jyp 😥"
Seung_MINE_x: "hi what just happened"
Replies 19K others...


I then heard footsteps coming towards me and flipped my blanket. "Jake what. The. Fuck." Sunoo said as his eyes were still in shock.

"BYE WHY DID YOU CAME HERE AT 3 AM?!" I said rubbing my eyes."cut it jake! You haven't told me about this!" sunoo said showing the new banner of me and Mr Lee.

I awkwardly look at different ways trying to not be suspicious but it totally didn't work "Jake your fucking famous now!!"

"What? Nah I'll never be famous of this face-" I got cut off "NA-AH JAKE YOU HAVE 192K FOLLOWERS AND I ONLY HAVE 45K?!" He dramatically said. Who is this man?!

"Stop being so problematic and don't bother me until it's 7 AM!" I said "Don't forget that today is the day of your first school JAKEY..." He added as I lazily hugging my bed sheets and pillow ignoring his existence.

"FINE. but you better know that I'll be waiting for you UNTIL 7AM." after that, he stormed off. Walking backwards to the door keeping his eyes on me.

Hi what just happened

Heeseung POV:

I woke up to see Jay doing that face of disgust again. "What now?" I said.

"You have a nice personality your highness." he said. I chuckled and smiled. "I know I am Mr Jay but what do you mean?"


"HELL NAH I AM NOT GOING." I dramatically said. Lazily hugging my pillow and cuddling it. "Your highness please you have school today-" Jay said. "I don't care! Just cancel it!" I lazily replied.

"Your highness I'm afraid I cannot do that. It's your first day today and you have to accept it either you like it or not." he strongly replied earning me to roll of my bed.

"Fine fine I'll be ready in a minute." I rolled my eyes and jump off my bed. Jay smiled. "Good because didn't you want me to enroll that school didn't you?" my eyes widened.


"they accept it, I only bodyguard you your highness." Jay said.

"Now, please get ready because I need to get ready too." he said before he left the room and leaving me alone in my bedroom.


I weared my comfort clothes and putting some makeup so no one can see the REAL me.

"Look good Heeseung Lee~" I clicked my tongue and showing off my clothes and face on the mirror. Doing endless poses and taking pictures.

"Ethan Lee." one of my bodyguards said. "Let's go." I said tooking my last look at the mirror and winked right at it.

Feeling Flirty? Why Yes.

I went to the car and signalling the driver to start driving.

Just imagine... Maybe Jae Yun is there... Nah he probably is older than me Lee.

I stood there watching my shoes blankly not knowing Jay is right behind me.

"Your highness, mind if I say you "dude" instead of "your highness" Lee Heeseung?" he replied.
Right I am Lee Heeseung. That's good. "Sure dude." I smirked.

Lee Heeseung won't be such a problem right? Wrong.

Just right before I stepped off my car, hundreds of girls were surrounded me as they screamed their lungs out right after they saw me.

Did they know I was the Prince? I questioned. I now felt scared so sudden. I never felt this before.
I suddenly don't want to be here until I saw a short male who is coming towards the crowd.

"Everyone go back to your respective classrooms RIGHT NOW. Or else if you don't want your precious grades to a disappointment for your cheeky parents! I ORDER NOW." the male said making most people moved out of it and some going to their classrooms.

Eventually people were now going to their respective classrooms just because they worry of their grade deductions. I bowed my head to the male as a sign of thank you for the help.

"Hello there! Are you guys okay?" The male said earning a nod from me. "That's good. Welcome to  one of the best of bestest educational school purposes! My name is Jungwon the school president." he said offering to shake his hand to me and Jay.

I drink some water as I look at Jay and saw a hint of Love-At-First-Sight look making me spit my water on Jungwons shirt.

Lord save me right now bye I'm unaliving myself

"A-are you okay?" Jungwon said didn't mind of a hint of saliva water on his shirt.

"I'm so sorry! And yes I'm okay!" I said wiping my lip and felt embarrassed by it. I look at Jungwons eyes and look at Jay with the same Love-At-First-Sight look.

Bye what is happening right now

Jay broke the silence "Jungwon. Let me introduce myself and him. I'm Jay and that is Heeseung."
He said while jungwon blink twice and nodded.

"Right, now you should guys go to your respective classrooms I believe that the principal already alert you by your schedule now. We might be the having the same class." he added.





Hello, thank you for reading this book as you ever done before.
Your amazing and a beautiful person.
I only priority your safety so do not be tired of life.
Im really busy because with school but I'll always update you guys<3

Do tell me if you saw errors, malfunctions, or grammer.
I deeply apologize.
Anyways have a nice day and this is Chapter 5.


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