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Jakes POV:

I think I'm in heaven right now.

I mean seriously, the Prince hugging me under the glittering moonlight? And the sea waves peaceful sounds? I can already feel I'm blushing right now!

Then, I heard a peaceful snore coming out from The Prince.

"Your Highness?" I saw his eyes closed and peacefully sleeping on my shoulder, I smiled softly. I yawned softly too.

Then my head snapped. "How am I supposed to take the Prince home?!..." I whispered and panicked, knowing full well I cannot disturb the Prince's sleep.

I carried him slowly trying my fricking best not to wake him up. coming from the idea, how about the King and Queen? Will they be unbothered by their son in my house?

"But I also believe that they might be sleeping now..." I thought to myself, once arrived to my small bicycle, I succeed without waking him up as I make him sitted behind me carefully.

Then, we left the Sea Shore.

--------------- (TIME SKIP)

Heeseung's POV:

I woke up, weirdly and ironically hear birds tweeting on my window.or so I thought it was my window. My eyes started to go back to consciousness as I see an unfamiliar ceiling.

It took me a moment to process, "Wait." I stood up from the bed in shocked. My eyes widened as I look at my surroundings and then, the door slowly opened.

"Your Highness? Are you awake now?" Jake said, peeking his head from the door.

"May I come in?" He asked as I slowly nodded. Yet, he still wears that... Hoodie just like yesterday and the day we first met.

He satted on my bed, looking at me worryingly. I took a closer look at his face but something really feels... Familiar with him. I felt that I Know Him before, but somehow... I can't seem to remember...

(Author-nim: Attention, for those who doesn't get it, it means Jake/Jaeyun always wear that suspicious hoodie said by Heeseung/Ethan Lee. Somehow, he could still remember, but felt there was a huge gap between it. They say, That hoodie is called a Wedow-hoodie in this au, but if you search it on google, I don't think that might come out. So, basically A Wedow-hoodie has a Wep faded wep on the middle and has a suspicious key chain. So blah blah understand it my Cuties 🫶)

"Where am I?" I asked in a non-suprising tone, curious if he would answer my question.

He chuckled. "Your currently in my place. But don't worry, you can leave whatever you want, but you just need to have breakfast." Jaeyun said.

I nodded slowly and did what he said. I went down stairs to see breakfast is already served, surprisingly, no people are in sight except for Jaeyun... Other than this dog...?

I went towards the counter and sitted on a stool for me to sit and eat. Jaeyun gave me a bowl of Cereal and I spoon.

While eating, I left Jaeyun watching me eat which it is a weird thing to do. I look at Jaeyun.
"Not to embarrass you or anything but... Can you stop staring at me?" I asked.

He blinked twice and clear his throat before looking away, blushing and embarrassed.

He cleared his throat. "Ehem... Sorry Prince, hope you eat well." He said, with a shy tone, looking away out of embarrassment. I couldn't help but chuckle, seeing someone so shy.

It was kinda cute.

"No need to be so shy, Yun," I said with a hint of a soft chuckle, before turning my attention where I continued to eat.

We stayed there, in the kitchen, casually talking and laughing with each other.

🍁 ---Time Skip---

I was outside of Jaeyun's House, currently waving good bye. I could just remember his house and the whole location, neighborhood, and street. Yea, I'll try.

"Wait" Jaeyun carried a fruit basket and called a taxi cab for me. "Oh my, this is quite extra, but thank you." I smiled warmly at him. "Oh and by the way call me Ethan, Yun." I added, before taking the fruit basket and went inside the Taxi cab.

I lastly waved goodbye, also studying his house details and his neighborhood, hoping to remember his location so I can see him anytime.

Once inside in the Taxi, I was kinda suspicious of him. I felt I met him before, but how many times I try to remember it... just left a huge gap on my memories. And of course, why does he always wear that hoodie? Does he never wash it or it just never gets dirty?

I had several questions for him, but I never find the perfect one.

At least, if I see him again, I'll ask honestly.



Hello, thank you for reading this book as you ever done before.
Your amazing and a beautiful person.
I only priority your safety so do not be tired of life.
To be honest, I completely forgot that I have a story to fill WHAT
so yeah I know some of you guys are probably waiting for this and I'm so sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)   

Do tell me if you saw errors, malfunctions, or grammer.
I deeply apologize.
Anyways have a nice day and this is Chapter 11.


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