Chapter Seven

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Bonnie was on the dance floor, eyes shut, letting the music flow through her. When she opened her eyesfor an instant, Meredith was beckoning from the sidelines. Bonnie thrust her chin out mutinously, but asthe gestures became more insistent she rolled her eyes up at Raymond and obeyed. 

Raymond followed.Matt and Ed were behind Meredith. Matt was scowling. Ed was looking uncomfortable. 

"Elena just left," said Meredith."It's a free country," said Bonnie.

 "She went with Tyler Smallwood," said Meredith. "Matt, are you sure you didn't hear where they weregoing?"Matt shook his head. "I'd say she deserves whatever happens—but it's my fault, too, in a way," he saidbleakly. 

"I guess we ought to go after her.""Leave the dance ?" Bonnie said. She looked at Meredith, who mouthed the words you promised . "Idon't believe this," she muttered savagely."I don't know how we'll find her," said Meredith, "but we've got to try." 

Then she added, in a strangelyhesitant voice, "Bonnie, you don't happen to know where she is, do you?"

 "What? No, of course not; I've been dancing. You've heard of that, haven't you: what you go to a dancefor?""You and Ray stay here," Matt said to Ed. "If she comes back, tell her we're out looking."

 "And if we're going, we'd better go now," Bonnie put in ungraciously. She turned and promptly ran into adark blazer. 

"Well, excuse me," she snapped, looking up and seeing Stefan Salvatore. He said nothing as she andMeredith and Matt headed for the door, leaving an unhappy-looking Raymond and Ed behind.

 The stars were distant and ice-bright in the cloudless sky. Elena felt just like them. Part of her waslaughing and shouting with Dick and Vickie and Tyler over the roar of the wind, but part of her waswatching from far away. 

Tyler parked halfway up the hill to the ruined church, leaving his headlights on as they all got out.Although there had been several cars behind them when they left the school, they appeared to be the onlyones who'd made it all the way to the cemetery.

 Tyler opened the trunk and pulled out a six-pack. "All the more for us." He offered a beer to Elena, whoshook her head, trying to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt all wrong beinghere—but there was no way she was going to admit that now.They climbed the flagstone path, the girls staggering in their high heels and leaning on the boys. Whenthey reached the top, Elena gasped and Vickie gave a little scream. 

Something huge and red was hovering just above the horizon. It took Elena a moment to realize it wasactually the moon. It was as large and unrealistic as a prop in a science-fiction movie, and its bloatedmass glowed dully with an unwholesome light."Like a big rotten pumpkin," said Tyler, and lobbed a stone at it.

 Elena made herself smile brilliantly up athim."Why don't we go inside?" Vickie said, pointing a white hand at the empty hole of the church doorway.Most of the roof had fallen in, although the belfry was still intact, a tower stretching up high above them.

 Three of the walls were standing; the fourth was only knee-high. There were piles of rubble everywhere.A light flared by Elena's cheek, and she turned, startled, to see Tyler holding a lighter. He grinned,showing strong white teeth, and said, "Want to flick my Bic?"Elena's laughter was the loudest, to cover her uneasiness.

 She took the lighter, using it to illuminate thetomb in the side of the church. It was like no other tomb in the cemetery, although her father said he'dseen similar things in England. It looked like a large stone box, big enough for two people, with twomarble statues lying in repose on the lid.

 "Thomas Keeping Fell and Honoria Fell," said Tyler with a grand gesture, as if introducing them. "OldThomas allegedly founded Fell's Church.

 Although actually the Smallwoods were also there at the time.My great-grandfather's great-great-grandfather lived in the valley by Drowning Creek—" 

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