Chapter Twelve

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Elena revolved slowly before the full-length mirror in Aunt Judith's bedroom. 

Margaret sat at the foot ofthe big four-poster bed, her blue eyes large and solemn with admiration."I wish I had a dress like that for trick-or-treat," she said. 

"I like you best as a little white cat," said Elena, dropping a kiss between the white velvet ears attached toMargaret's headband. Then she turned to her aunt, who stood by the door with needle and thread ready. 

"It's perfect," she said warmly. "We don't have to change a thing."The girl in the mirror could have stepped out of one of Elena's books on the Italian Renaissance. Herthroat and shoulders were bare, and the tight bodice of the ice-blue dress showed off her tiny waist. Thelong, full sleeves were slashed so that the white silk of the chemise underneath showed through, and thewide, sweeping skirt just brushed the floor all around her.

 It was a beautiful dress, and the pale clear blueseemed to heighten the darker blue of Elena's eyes.As she turned away, Elena's gaze fell on the old-fashioned pendulum clock above the dresser. "Oh,no—it's almost seven. Stefan will be here any minute." 

"That's his car now," said Aunt Judith, glancing out the window. "I'll go down and let him in.""That's all right," said Elena briefly. "I'll meet him myself. Good-bye, have a good time trick-or-treating!"She hurried down the stairs.Here goes, she thought. 

As she reached for the doorknob, she was reminded of that day, nearly twomonths ago now, when she'd stepped directly into Stefan's path in European History class. She'd had thissame feeling of anticipation, of excitement and tension. 

I just hope this turns out better than that plan did, she thought. For the last week and a half, she'd pinnedher hopes to this moment, to this night. If she and Stefan didn't come together tonight, they never would.The door swung open, and she stepped back with her eyes down, feeling almost shy, afraid to seeStefan's face. 

But when she heard his sharp indrawn breath, she looked up quickly—and felt her heart gocold.He was staring at her in wonder, yes. But it was not the wondering joy she'd seen in his eyes that firstnight in his room. This was something closer to shock."You don't like it," she whispered, horrified at the stinging in her eyes.He recovered swiftly, as always, blinking and shaking his head. "No, no, it's beautiful. You're beautiful."

 Then why are you standing there looking as if you'd seen a ghost? she thought. Why don't you hold me,kiss me—something!"You look wonderful," she said quietly. And it was true; he was sleek and handsome in the tux and capehe'd donned for his part. 

She was surprised he'd agreed to it, but when she'd made the suggestion he'dseemed more amused than anything else. Just now, he looked elegant and comfortable, as if such clotheswere as natural as his usual jeans."We'd better go," he said, equally quiet and serious.Elena nodded and went with him to the car, but her heart was no longer merely cold; it was ice. He wasfurther away from her than ever, and she had no idea how to get him back. 

Thunder growled overhead as they drove to the high school, and Elena glanced out of the car windowwith dull dismay. The cloud cover was thick and dark, although it hadn't actually begun to rain yet. Theair had a charged, electric feel, and the sullen purple thunderheads gave the sky a nightmarish look. Itwas a perfect atmosphere for Halloween, menacing and otherworldly, but it woke only dread in Elena.Since that night at Bonnie's, she'd lost her appreciation for the eerie and uncanny.Her diary had never turned up, although they'd searched Bonnie's house top to bottom. She still couldn'tbelieve that it was really gone, and the idea of a stranger reading her most private thoughts made her feelwild inside. 

Because, of course, it had been stolen; what other explanation was there? More than onedoor had been open that night at the McCullough house; someone could have just walked in. She wantedto kill whoever had done it.A vision of dark eyes rose before her. That boy, the boy she'd almost given in to at Bonnie's house, theboy who'd made her forget Stefan. Was he the one?She roused herself as they pulled up to the school and forced herself to smile as they made their waythrough the halls. The gym was barely organized chaos. In the hour since Elena had left, everything hadchanged. 

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