Chapter Ten

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October 7, about 8:00 a.m.

 Dear Diary,I'm writing this during trig class, and I just hope Ms. Halpern doesn't see me.

 I didn't have time to write last night, even though I wanted to. Yesterday was a crazy, mixed-upday, just like the night of the Homecoming Dance. 

Sitting here in school this morning I almost feellike everything that happened this weekend was a dream. The bad things were so bad, but thegood things were so very, very good. 

I'm not going to press criminal charges against Tyler. He's suspended from school, though, and offthe football team.

 So's Dick, for being drunk at the dance. Nobody is saying so, but I think a lot ofpeople think he was responsible for what happened to Vickie.

 Bonnie's sister saw Tyler at theclinic yesterday, and she said he had two black eyes and his whole face was purple.

 I can't helpworrying about what's going to happen when he and Dick get back to school. They have morereason than ever to hate Stefan now.Which brings me to Stefan. When I woke up this morning I panicked, thinking, "What if it all isn'ttrue? What if it never happened, or if he's changed his mind?" And Aunt Judith was worried atbreakfast because I couldn't eat again.

 But then when I got to school I saw him in the corridor bythe office, and we just looked at each other. And I knew. Just before he turned away, he smiled,sort of wryly.

 And I understood that, too, and he was right, it was better not to go up to eachother in a public hallway, not unless we want to give the secretaries a thrill.We are very definitely together. Now I just have to find a way to explain all this to Jean-Claude. 

Ha-ha.What I don't understand is why Stefan isn't as happy about it as I am. When we're with each otherI can feel how he feels, and I know how much he wants me, how much he cares. There's an almostdesperate hunger inside him when he kisses me, as if he wants to pull the soul out of my body.Like a black hole that.Still October 7, now about 2:00 p.m.Will, a little break there because Miss Halpern caught me. 

She even started to read what I'd writtenout loud, but then I think the subject matter steamed her glasses up and she stopped. She was NotAmused. I'm too happy to care about minor things like flunking trigonometry. 

Stefan and I had lunch together, or at least we went off into a corner of the field and sat downwith my lunch. He didn't even bother to bring anything, and of course as it turned out I couldn'teat either. We didn't touch each other much—we didn't—but we talked and looked at each other alot. I want to touch him.

 More than any boy I've ever known. And I know he wants it, too, but he'sholding back on me. That's what I can't understand, why he's fighting this, why he's holding back.Yesterday in his room I found proof positive that he's been watching me from the beginning. Youremember how I told you that on the second day of school Bonnie and Meredith and I were in thecemetery?

 Well, yesterday in Stefan's room I found the apricot ribbon I was wearing that day. Iremember it falling out of my hand while I was running, and he must have picked it up and kept it.I haven't told him I know, because he obviously wants to keep it a secret, but that shows, doesn'tit, that he cares about me?I'll tell you someone else who is Not Amused.

 Caroline. Apparently she's been dragging him offinto the photography room for lunch every day, and when he didn't show up today she wentsearching until she found us. Poor Stefan, he'd forgotten about her completely, and he wasshocked at himself Once she left—a nasty unhealthy shade of green, I might add—he told me howshe'd attached herself to him the first week of school. She said she'd noticed he didn't really eat atlunch and she didn't either since she was on a diet, and why didn't they go someplace quiet andrelax? 

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