Chapter: 4

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"How about while you fan girl over a dress, I go searching for the perfect shoe?" I asked Skylar,slowly growing tired of fitting on dresses. "Let's just finish here then we can go together" she answered still looking at her strapless. In case you were wondering, the two of us are at the mall hoping to find something to wear to her moms gala (which we couldn't get out of), but to say that I've grown pretty tired of waltzing around in dresses that I clearly don't like would be an understatement, pretty dresses are more Sky's thing, I'm more of a shoe girl, take me shoe shopping and I will love you forever. Knowing that there's no way I'm going to get out of this one I decided that it was in my best interest to let her finish and let her tag along while I do my thing. When she finally decided on a dress, she went to the checkout point and paid for it "you do know that the gala is in two days right?" She asked but it was more of a statement than anything else "yeah so?" I said "so? What do you mean 'yeah so?',the thing is in a few days and you haven't found a dress yet!" She started getting agitated "Its not like you've had yours for that long,you literally just got it" I defended "and besides, who knows, I might just find something I like,we still have time you know" I said lacing my arms with "Now if you don't mind,I have some serious shoe shopping to get to" I told her with I smile as we walked out of one of her favorite dress stores. "Yeah yeah whatever,let's just do this already" she said with a smile of her own.As we walked into a shoe shop,which I'm almost a hundred and fifty percent sure wasn't there a month ago she spoke up and said "You never told me what happened the day you took Ally out for ice-cream" I laughed at the memory of that particular day "Well, when we got there they were just about to close, we were literally running just to make it through the door in time" This was all Ally's idea since she was determined to get that ice-cream no matter what, saying that she didn't come all this way just to go back home empty handed. "So when we paid for them we decided that instead of going home we could just chill out there for awhile,it's not like we had curfew or anything" even though we do,but what they don't know wont kill them "but just as we were about to go find a place to sit, Anthony makes his appearance with his beloved brother not far behind him"I said grinning "turns out Ian-Anthony's brother,formally known as mr handsome has a girlfriend, gorgeous if I might add" clearly disappointed "And you know this how?" Sky asked with a confused expression on her face "well long story short,they asked if they could join us and we started talking about things in general" I said "and Ally was fine with this?" She asked me sounding even more confused "yeah, well only after she got a few extra toppings free of charge, she even joined the conversation at some point" I said realizing just how weird that was "anyway,Ian got a phone call and excused himself to answer it and when he came back he told us he had to leave but hoped to see us again sometime" I explained "Anthony being the nosey brother that he seems to be asked him where his of to and he just said he has to go pick "B" up or something,leaving me super confused, he then explained that "B" is his girlfriend Bella and showed me a picture of her, if I told you that I wasn't jealous of her looks I'd be lying" Sky laughed and said "That bad" and I just gave her a sideways glare as I continued my story "Anthony also left shortly after that but not before he goofed around claiming that his brother might be the ladies man who is secretly committed to the love of his life,his still the better brother or rather the cooler brother as he put it" I said laughing "his actually kind of fun,not that I didn't know that before but I mean it seems as if once you start hanging out with him...and I mean really hang out with him, you get to see an entire different side of him" this obviously got Sky's undivided attention "Ally and I made our way home about ten minutes after they both left, to which I'm guessing the rest of the workers were grateful for since they were only waiting for us to leave before they could declare lights out" I said smiling as I thought back on the look on the blonde girls face once we said we're leaving, such relief "I should have known this was all to your befit, poor little Ally was merely a pon in all of this" she said shaking her head "that's not true, it's like I said before, it was mutually beneficial and she actually enjoyed herself" "once we got home she even said we should spend more time doing stuff like that instead of sitting at home rotting away infront of the TV" I said "When we left there we didn't go straight home,we went to the park since she's always wanted to see what it's like to be there in the middle of the night,there wasn't much people though but we still had fun" I laughed thinking back to how she almost hit her head trying to beat me of the swing. "She's right you know" sky injected "rotting away is just going to make you fat" she laughed, even though I didn't find it funny at all since rotting is what I'm good at "How did she like the ice-cream?" She asked causing me to burst out laughing "Oh she liked it alright but if you ask me she liked Anthony more than she did the ice-cream" I said trying to contain my laughter getting a confused look from sky in return "Yeah on our way to the park she told me just how NICE she thinks he is and that if me and him had to start dating she wouldn't have a problem with it at all, means more free toppings for her" I said dialing down my laughter a little " but if you ask me, she only said that so she could stare at him all day everyday,oh my you should have seen her" this time it was Sky's turn to laugh "Gotta love that kid..she gets it from you you know, all this STRATEGIC ways of doing things and getting away with it is rubbing off on her" she said still laughing "it is not,I specifically told her to do as I say not do as I do" I defended pouting "and how's that working out for you so far" she asked with a huge grin plastered on her face "Well considering the fact that she told me she thinks she should try my "having leverage" move,not that good" I said realizing just how bad this was, sky laughed and said "exactly" "how about this one" she held up a sparkly shoe, Sky and I don't have the same taste in shoes or anything for that matter "No ew, gross , put that thing down" I said with a discussed look on my face "what?! It's cute,I'd get it if I didn't already have one" she defended "exactly, you would have, doesn't mean that I will" I said "you won't ever see me in that, not even if you paid me, gosh make me wear that in my coffin and I promise you my soul won't be resting in peace...and neither will yours" I said utterly discussed by the thought of being seen with something like that. We ended up going from store to store and coming up with nothing, until something caught my eye on the far back shelve in the tiny store we just walked into. "OH. MY. GOSH Sky I found it!!!" I shrieked "found what?" She asked tearing her eyes away from her phone "The shoe,I found the shoe, I am so getting this!!" I shouted "let me see" she said and I turned to hand it to her "Wow..this really is pretty and definitely something I can see you wearing and definitely rocking it" she said admiring the shoe "Sky would you quite the sarcasm already, you don't have to pretend to like it just because I do" I said flat faced "No No I do,I really do like it,I like it so much that I'd actually to get me one myself" she said dead serious " No way,I saw it first and besides you already have a shoe" I said, there was no way I was letting her have the same shoe as me "fine" she said "but can I at least borrow it sometime" she asked "ew, gross, no, who still does that these days?" I said, pouting she handed me the shoe and said "Fine, lets just go, you still need a dress" and we did, we paid for the shoes and soon after found a dress that I liked, it was a sky blue waist hugging dress that matches my eyes and came just below the knee, it didn't have too much trimmings on it,it was plain but not too plain, simplicity is key I always say. Once we were all done we thought it'll be fitting to go get a bite to eat but one phone call from Aiden had us change our minds. He called Sky to ask if she's had anything to eat yet,this got her curious since not only was it an odd question to ask but also because he never asks, she told him no but we on our way to get something and his reply to that was not to, apparently there was enough food back home to feed an army, he had a couple of his classmates over so they can finish their assignment together and each of them came over with STACKS of food, were they really that hungry. Anyway when they left they felt it'd be fitting to leave it there since it's rude to take back something you brought, Aiden being the UNDERSTANDING guy he is didn't object either, so now we have to go all the way back there to help him finish it all. What was this idiot thinking. When we got back to their place Sky and I thought it would be a good idea for the rest of our friends to come over since we won't be able to make it to their little gathering but the minute they walked through the door Aiden grabbed Luke claiming that they could go some place else that's wining girls free, they usually take Andrew with them on these quests to nowhere but he couldn't make it,apparently he had to sort out some stuff, guess we'll see him some other time.Aiden and Luke left the minute they got in but not before they managed to grab something to eat 'take aways' they said. Things were kind of awkward in the beginning with everybody tip toeing around Kendra and Sally most of the time, but as time went on, we sort of eased back into normality, keywords 'SORT OF'. Shai-Anne has always been a bit of a wild cart (if you know what I mean) so it was no surprise when she told us what she's been up to these days, turns out within a period of one month she's had four boyfriends, two side lines and a one night stand, yeah I wasn't kidding when I said she loves on the wild side of life. Not all our friends are like that, their actually pretty cool, Shai-Anne can actually be described as THAT girl that always stands out not only because of her behavior but also because of her striking good looks (Does she really have to have such perfect looks-perfect teeth,perfect eyes, the perfect body, perfect everything ) so maybe I'm a little jealous, but can you blame me, compared to her I look like I just got back from a Halloween party. She wasn't the only good looking one (just the best) Sky, Kenn, Sally, Raykel, Beverly and Hannah were all really good looking and they had the personalities to go with it too, once again leaving me in the far back corner-it's not self pity, it's more the fact that when your surrounded by girls that might as well be supermodels you won't exactly be okay with the fact that you don't fit in much. We had one hell of a catch up session and time ran away with us since before we knew it, the guys were back claiming that our time was up. Im sorry but did they really think that two guys could take on eight 'wining' girls and get of Scott free, not a chance "How about the two of you'll do yourselves a favor and go back from wherever it is you'll came from, because from where I'm standing, it would be in your best interest not to take on a couple of girls who haven seen each other in ages" said Beverly standing up and before either of the guys could say anything the rest of the girls stood up and took their place beside Beverly, this had me laughing out loud "Well, you heard her, make yourself scares" I said still seated on the couch " And judging by the Great Big Wall they just formed, they mean business" I continued, still laughing. After they had their little stare down the boys decided they'd let the girls have this one THIS TIME, they headed up to Aiden's room, if you ask me, the girls scared the crap out of them and that's why they retreated. After a few more minutes of 'catching up' I decided I had enough for one day "I think I'm going to go check on the guys" I said "they've been awfully quiet" I continued standing up, Sky gave me a look almost as if saying 'please don't leave me, not now' I responded by giving her an apologetic look and said "I'll be right back". Approaching Aidens room I heard the a faint noise, entering the door after knocking quite a few times, I found them playing 'Need For Speed 2', I should have known, Luke turned to look at me "Took you long enough" he said "Usually you'd be up here before we even turn to leave" he laughed "Yeah well I couldn't exactly leave right away, Sky would have had my head" I said plopping down next to them "I'm surprised you lasted that long" Aiden said, still focusing on his game "Trust me I am too, could we change the subject please, what have you guys been up to?" I asked "Uh not much really, we went down to that race track place and let's just say if it wasn't for the sudden rain we wouldn't have been back so soon" Luke said "Why what happened" I asked curious "We met these two girls, sisters, actually twins for that matter" Aiden continued where Luke left off "Oh gosh do I really want to know, I mean I know I asked but these kinds of stories never end well with you two" I said looking between them causing them to laugh "Actually it went really well, got their numbers and all" He continued "We're meeting up tomorrow, even asked if they didn't have another sister for Andrew" they were now both smirking "Oh my word, how desperate could one get?" I asked "Turns out it's just the two of them but they do have a friend that wouldn't mind tagging along" Luke took over "Oh gosh, I don't even want to know how this is going to go down, don't come to me when it all goes wrong either, not after the last time" I said leaving them shaking with laughter. Not to give out the entire 410 on what happened last time but a few weeks ago three beautiful girls had their hearts handed to them, not very nicely if I might add.Having these girls hearts being handed back to them in a not so good condition I can deal with, but having it be partly my fault even though I had no part in it (That I had a problem with, a big one at that) somehow I was the reason for their misfortune, once Aiden Luke and Andrew felt they've had enough they decided it would be wise to get me involved (without my knowledge), they set the whole thing up. Andre called me up one day and asked me to meet him at a nearby coffee shop, he said he needed someone to talk to obviously knowing that I wouldn't spare a second. I met him about twenty minutes later, we got a table right next to the door "So, what's up?" I asked him, he then started talking and all of a sudden he was kissing me and I mean really kissing me WTF " Andrew What the Face do you think you're doing?!" I asked pulling away "shut up and kiss me" he said leaning in for more and before I could say another word I was showered with ice cold water "What do you think your doing!!!!?" I looked up and found a fuming brown haired girl... what the hell, who is this, what's going on "I knew you were after him since day one but to go at it in public!!!" She shouted "I'm sorry but who are you? I asked confusion written all over my face while I try and dry myself off "I'm Andrew here's girlfriend.... well EX girlfriend now" she said turning to him and slapped him just before she stormed off "WHAT THE HELL??!!" My shouting directed to Andrew, he responded by shrugging and saying "I tried to explain,but than I saw her ,she got here way earlier than we agreed" what??? "Explain what?!" I said "she was getting way to clingy, possessive really,so I had to make a plan...and fast" he said " I figured getting you involved would be perfect, I started showing her pictures of my friends,you especially (all part of the plan) and soon left my phone laying around just incase she decided to go peaking and with the way we speak to each other it would definitely spark up something in her and well her finding us here together,with you practically all up in my arms was suppose to be the final nail in the coffin... which judging by that slap,it was" he said all at once "You Used Me as part of some clever strategy!!!!" I said trying to control my anger "Look I'm sorry okay" he said "Was it honestly necessary to kiss me" I asked wiping my lips "Uh, I uhm, I wasn't suppose to kiss you, we were just suppose to get all touchy feely and when we left,just give you one long hug" he said scratching the back of his head "WHAT?!, So what the Hell was that?" I asked him "It kind of just happened,impulse I guess, it's like I said she got here earlier than expected so I had to take action" he explained "and kissing me is your idea of taking action!!!!" Boy I was mad "I don't know why your so mad, it's not like it's the first time I've kissed you" he said all to casually,making me calm down a little "yeah but that was in kinder garden and it was just a peck, this on the other hand was a full blown kiss" I said "okay fine...I'm sorry, it won't happen again" he said not looking at me "You said that Aiden and Luke had plans of their own,plans that involves me" I said way calmer than I was before "yeah,but if your planning on asking me what they are, don't because I've had enough of your freaking out for one day" he said looking straight at me "Always so difficult" I said sitting down "Why me tough, why not use Sky or Bev or even Ash, I mean they are drop dead gorgeous so the chances of you getting away with it would have been better than it would have with me" I said "Taking Ash would have benefited in the looks department but once those girls found out who she is,they'd probably assume she's one of our hoochy mamma's" he said while I let out a little stifle "And as for Sky, she's Aidens sister, that's just weird. And before you ask...any of the other girls would have been out of the question, we wanted you, we thought you'd be perfect" he explained and before I could say anything else he continued "Regardless of What you think Chan, your just as beautiful as the rest, they should actually be looking at you as their competition and not the other way around" what?? Did he just call me out?? "What?, What are you talking about?" I asked him " Chan did you really think that I haven't noticed how you shy away when it comes to them, how you hide behind them or how being around them always has you on edge... Chandré you have no reason to feel that way,because like I said before, your strikingly beautiful and with you personality as a added bonus you can't go wrong" he said. What, How, how could he possibly have known this. Soon after Andrew called me out on my self-consciousness or the lack their of, we left but not before he told me all about the other two's plans and needless to say, I didn't like it very much. So now you understand why I don't want any part of their current bound to fail mission. "Would you relax, we won't be doing anything as drastic as before and that we can promise you" Aiden said "Yeah sure, till the time comes and you'll claim doing thing on impulse" I said giving them flat looks "Hey that's all Andrew, he should have known your not going to let it slide that easily" Luke spoke up. I stayed up there with the guys for at least another hour, the rest of the girls had left about a half an hour ago and Sky came to join us soon there after going all super sain on me for leaving her to her own mercy. Chilling with the guys is so much better than chilling with the girls, it's way less complicated.

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