Chapter: 2

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Not again...Its Saturday morning and I'm laying in bed starting up at the ceiling contemplating whether of not I should get up. I know what your thinking but for once the little monster wasn't responsible for me being awake this early, instead, it was the constant buzzing of my phone. It's been ringing non-stop so when I finally answered the phone I wasn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows "What?" I said not even looking at the caller ID "Well good morning to you too, I'm doing great thanks for asking" I immediately recognized the voice as My best friends "Gosh seriously Skylar, what is with you people that you'll just can't seem to leave me alone in the morning" I said rubbing my eyes "It's Saturday morning what are you doing up so early?" I asked "what's the time anyway" I said reaching for my clock, yeah I have a tendency to be going monologue when I'm tired "Well do you want me to answer those in that particular order or can I mix them up?" She asked and before I could reply she said "First we're not the problem here,you are, second I'm up because I'm waiting for you--hoping that you'll magically appear on my door step and walk in like you own the place but apparently that's not happening because your probably laying on your back looking at the ceiling as we speak and third it's like seven o'clock already, now, are you coming or not?" She said all this in one breath "Sky do you have hidden cameras in here that I don't know of or something" I asked frantically looking around "Gee Chan don't you think that if there were any HIDDEN cameras that you OBVIOUSLY wouldn't know about it" she asked "No need to be so sarcastic" I said frowning "than maybe you should start asking proper questions" she said "so are you coming or not?" She asked me again "yeah sure I'll be there in an wait make that two" I said rolling over as she mumbled something sounding like 'knowing you it's going to be three' but before I could ask what she said,she already said "see you in a few" and hung up. When I finally decided that it was time I get my butt out of bed, I opened my bedroom door to go get cleaned up and that's when the smell of pancakes and bacon invaded my nostrils, so instead of heading to the bathroom I made my way to the kitchen only to find everyone already seated around the kitchen table eating like there's no tomorrow. "Thanks for waking me up you guys" I said in a sarcastic tone "We did" Ally defended "We left you some" dad said, as if they had a choice--I invented pancakes and bacon, before that they pretty much thought it was gross and unhealthy, so excuse me for not leaving them with much of a choice, 'we left you some' PLEASE "how generous" I said and everyone laughed as Ally spoke up "Its not our fault you sleep like a rock" "Now now" mom said "we don't want to insult any of the rocks now do we Ally" she said smiling "haha" I said. Once we finished our breakfast (what was left of it anyway) I went back up to get dressed so I could head over to Sky's,While getting dressed I noticed her brown boots sitting on one of the bottom shelve of my closet and instead of taking them out and taking it to her like any normal friend would, I shoved them even further back because we're not exactly the normal kind of friends, she can get them when she comes over again,that way she'd have an excuse to come (not that we need an excuse to visit each other we just like having them). We regard each other's homes as our own--home away from home as she always says. As I came back down ready to head out Ally stopped me at the door saying "Becka and I are going to that new amusement park just down the road..moms taking us.. are you coming?" She asked me looking straight at me "Sorry I can't, I have to go help Sky with something important for her mom" I said hoping she understands "Yeah okay, see you I guess" she said bolting out the door. I left soon after that and got to sky's place just in time, twenty minutes early actually. I knocked at least three times and when I got no answer I decided to open the door myself and walked right through. I found her sitting in the far left corner of the living room going through what I'm guessing was what I have to help her with,she looked up at me and said " About time" to which I responded "What I'm twenty minutes early, well actually one hour twenty minutes since you fully believed I'd need at least three hours" folding my arms across my chest "shut up and come help me" she said. The stuff that I had to help her with turned out to be invitations to some fancy gala her mom was hosting, basically all we had to do was address them to certain people and then have them handed over to their rightful or deserving owners as her mother put it. As we continued to make small talk about nothing and everything really but if there was one topic we strayed away from was crushes, don't get me wrong we talk about guys all the time,just not the ones we crushing on, long story short we have a history of somehow getting attached to the same guy. About a year ago I had the biggest crush on some guy Tyler, no one except Sky knew so obviously when I found out the two has been dating for a little over a year,to say I felt betrayed would be the understatement of the century and being stabbed in the back wouldn't exactly be ideal for most people.It's not the first time something like this has happened (this was the third time around). I got over it though and put it behind me. I know what you're thinking 'who still stays friends after a stunt like that?' But she's not a bad person,on the contrary, you know what they say 'don't hate the player,hate the game' I guess she just has a weakness when it comes to that sort of thing but like I said we've decided to move past it. Besides I have a few past mistakes that didn't exactly sit too well with her either and you don't see her holding it over my head so I don't see any reason why I should, so we put this behind us but not before she promised that it would never happen again (which it didn't) so after that it's kind of been awkward talking about it. We were still sprawled out on the living room floor, we could have gone up to her room but decided against it, let's just say that we have a tendency of losing things and trust me when I say these things aren't exactly worth losing so we stayed put. About twenty five minutes later we were done and dusted so we made our way to the kitchen to get something to eat (it's all we ever do) she got out a few pieces of chocolate cake with some orange juice "we should all hangout sometime, like old times" she said "Sky your starting to sound like Ally, we hangout all the time" I said taking a bite of my cake "No I mean with the rest of the gang, you know just do something fun" she replied "Ohh, yeah we should, though I'm hoping that when you say ALL you're not implying that We Have Kendra and Sally tag along, you know what happened the last time we forcedly lock the two of them in a room together" I said looking at her as she laughed and said "Oh my, that was epic, I remember it like it was yesterday, Sally wouldn't speak to us for weeks" she said still laughing "Yeah and Kendra couldn't stop yelling at us, telling us that it had nothing to do with us and that they'd sort it out on their own when the time was right" I said laughing this time "whatever went down between those two?" I asked being genuinely curious as to what went down "I can't remember it all that well, I think it was something about Sally saying something she shouldn't have, you know how Kenn gets, she has major trust issues so I'm guessing with Sal opening her mouth it kind of broke the trust they once had" she explained " its kind of stupid if you think about it" I said drinking the last of my juice leaving a frowning Sky "I mean think about it, don't you think that's something the two of us would have at least tried to get over and get on with it" I asked and she nodded "if you put it that way than its definitely stupid, I mean they use to be the ROLE MODEL best friends" she said ever so casually "What?!! Role mode best friends, really Sky" I asked half bending over trying to control laughter "if I remember correctly, you were the one who told me to be more creative with my words" she said shrugging "So you mean to tell me that out of everything I've told you to do before, this somehow ended up being your first choice?" I asked with a smug smile on my face "look you should be grateful okay, I'm trying to do the right here, I'm taking your advice,so don't be picky as to which ones I take" she said giving me a cheeky look causing me to laugh even harder "unbelievable" I said. "Now why would you want to take advice from her, she's not exactly the smartest kid on the block" said someone from behind me, I turned only to find that the source of the voice belonged to Aiden, Sky's older brother who was standing with a smug on his face "maybe because she's smart and because it's the right thing to do" I said returning his smug smile "Sky I honestly think it's about time you find yourself some new friends because your current ones are slowly turning you into one of them,pretty soon you're going to be just as stupid as the rest of them" he said with a knowing smile making his way to the refrigerator while I just sat there and glared at him, if looks could kill. This had Sky laughing so hard I didn't even think it was possible "That is such an insult to the rest of my friends, not all of them are like that, it's just her" she said still unable to stop laughing, the way these two can gang up on me, apparently it's a sibling thing "I feel for little Ally, to be stuck with THIS all day, tragedy I tell you" it was Aiden's turn to speak, the two of them were going back and forth about this as if I'm not here, they completely oblivious to my presence "uh guys,I'm still here you know" I finally made my presence known "Really, I thought you somehow magically disappeared or something" Sky said "what is with you and this magic thing,its all you ever talk about lately" I asked her "didn't you know, she's a part time fairy" Aiden laughed, oh gosh this was going to be a long night "where you of to anyway" I asked changing the subject "Nowhere, I just got back from somewhere though" he replied "you telling me that you didn't notice he wasn't here" sky asked me "well now that I think about it, I only noticed that a few minutes ago" I said earning flat looks from the both them "What?! It's not my fault I can only focus on one thing at a time, I blame my brain capacity for that" I said stubbornly causing them to abrupt in laughter "I hope you now see what I mean when I say you need new friends, she practically just insulted herself" he said to sky but looking at me "shut up will you, Id rather much have us watch a movie or something, now let's go" I said heading for the TV room, we sat there for quite awhile just talking. These two has been like my rock, they might not be family by blood but I surely regard them as such, gran always use to say ' blood doesn't make you family, love does' and I can honestly vouch for that Sky might as well have been my sister (I still believe we were separated at birth) and as for Aiden his the big brother I could only ever wish I had, so yeah we have meaningless arguments but that's the kind of thing family does isn't it. "Hey Aiden, if I remember correctly, you weren't exactly part of Chan's fan base in the beginning...what's changed?" She asked,her question taking us by surprise mainly because it came out of nowhere "Do realize how random you're being right now" he said "but yeah I remember,but we were kids back then" "dude you were twelve when the two of us started this whole friendship thing" she said with a pointed look "exactly, which twelve year old boy wants to spend his growing days with two giggling eleven year old girls" he bit back "certainly not this one" he said pointing his thumb towards himself. "Yeah still though,you only started warming up to her at the age of 16" she continued "15 actually" he said,once again lets just go ahead and pretend that in not in the room "but I guess it's because by then I realized that she's not trying to steal my sister from me and that she's kind of awesome, pretty awesome actually" he said turning to look at me "too bad I can't say the same about you,the being awesome part that is... as for stealing your sister away from you, I think I'm getting pretty close to it" I said laughing. This is why I love spending time with them,we never take anything serious unless it's really necessary. "I'm going to head home before it gets so dark that I might not find my way home" I said a little while after Aiden practically told me I'm awesome, oh how I'm never going to let him forget this and after about 5 minutes of arguing whether or not they'd be walking me I finally gave in to the idea and let them walk me. I've been giving in to a lot of things lately, I blame Ally, she somehow seems to know just which buttons to press. We got to the ice-cream parlor which was basically the half way mark between our houses, we stopped for ice-cream, can I just say that the guy serving the ice-cream was definitely going to make eating ice-cream in this weather worth it. "You did not just do that,tell me you did not just totally check out that guy over there!?"Sky half shouted "Fine, than I won't tell you" I said licking on my ice-cream "don't you know that it's sort of illegal to be checking out some guy in the presence of another?" She asked causing me to cough "by ANOTHER do you mean Aiden,because if so, its just Aiden you know" I said as I continue indulge in my ice-cream "besides look at that guy,his totally worth drooling over" "I honestly think that it's about time the two of you'll stop with all this crap,if you guys are planning on having some kind of future then it's about time that you'll stop checking out people when the other is around, stop getting involved in One and others love lives or the lack thereof and stop encouraging each other with this crap" she said all in one breath, I feel as though this was such a déjà vu moment ( totally oblivious to his presence) "for starters Sky we not planing on having any kind of future so you can stop while your at it and second how do you not find this weird, his your brother and I'm your best friend, surely there must be some kind of law against that" I said looking straight at her but before she could formulate some crazy answer, Aiden spoke up " She's right you know, it should be deemed illegal, do you have any idea just how discussing that sounds" he said, most girls would be insulted by this but I'm not,because I feel exactly the same way "this is my go to buddy" he said draping an arm over my shoulder "what part of 'she might as well be family' don't you get, I would say she's the sister I never had but I have you,so she's the ANOTHER sister I wish I had so just let it go already, I think I speak for the both of us when I say that this is as good as it's going to get, so quit trying to start something up between us" he said as I nodded in agreement because trust me I couldn't agree more "But ANOTHER sister?? Really?? Love your choice of words" I said "I'm just doing what you told sky to do, Im being creative" he said smiling, trust these two to keep this going. After We finished our ice-cream we went our separate ways, I texted Sky to let her know I made it home safely and that's when it hit me, I could have gotten mr Handsome's number(that's what he goes by now), but knowing me I'd be way to scared to even say hi, I should honestly let loose a little, because now I might never see him again. I am in need of some hard core intervention, lately all I do is smile and wave,no interaction whatsoever. I walked through the house looking for any sign of life but soon found that there wasn't, guess mom and the girls were still down at the amusement park so to keep myself busy I switched on the TV and plopped down on the couch like the couch potato I am and this is where I fell asleep.

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