Chapter: 3

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"Struggles are required in order to survive and in order to survive the fall you've got to master the fall, good morning to all. Life in itself is a fight for survival. Everything you want you have to fight for because memories guide us from yesterday...and only time will reveal our why, why shouldn't we fight for what's right for us because we take each day with a manner of being strong.Life is only traveled once,todays moments becomes tomorrow's memories. So enjoy every moment good or bad because the gift of life is life itself. When praying to God,we shouldn't ask Him to make life easier but to give us the strength to face all our troubles, for me the meaning of life is not simply to exist to survive but to move ahead to go up to achieve and conquer whatever comes your way. Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken, maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.In a race between cat and mouse the mouse mostly wins because the cat runs for its food, but the mouse....the mouse runs for its life meaning purpose is way more important than need. My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with passion,compassion,humor and style. A wise man once said "Every test makes us bitter or better...every problem comes to make us or break us..the choice is ours whether we become victims or victors".Therefore wake up each day and be thankful for it,because somewhere out someone's fighting for survival.Remember survival is the fight within yourself expressed through your actions... THANK YOU" I said immediately making my way back to my seat. Judging by my trembling hands, that didn't go very well but I'm glad it's over though.About three weeks ago my English Lit lecturer said to prepare a speech for today and that he'd be calling us up at random. "That was really good" the guys sitting next to me said as I sat down trying to steady my breathing "thanks" I said without looking up, I haven't really been paying attention to him earlier on since I was too busy concentrating on not messing up my speech "it was kind of nerve wrecking" I said finally looking up and OH MY GOSH was I in for a surprise, he had sea green eyes, brown curly hair and a somewhat hidden dimple, my definition of PERFECT. I think he noticed my hesitation because he spoke up and said "really? I couldn't tell, you were a natural" he said smiling at me "Trust me when I say that is one of the many things that I am not and it was so bad that I kept thinking I'm going to mess up or something, get my lines mixed up" I said "hopefully I never have to go through such agony again" he looked at me and said "you could have fooled me, you honestly looked pretty confident back there and I like the way you mentioned certain thing, almost as if you know exactly what it is your talking about if not even believe every word" this got me smiling a little as he continued "the names Anthony by the way" holding out his hand which I took into mine and said "Chandré" he smiled showing off his all to well hidden dimple saying "nice to meet you Chandré" but than he looked at me as if he just realized something "Aren't you that girl that came by the ice-cream parlor now the other day?" He asked, wait what, "I'm sorry,what was that" I said "I'm pretty sure it was you, you were accompanied by a black haired girl about your height and some guy who I'm guessing only tagged along because he was promised some ice-cream" he said while I laughed "You probably know this already but I'm going to go ahead and tell you anyway, there are probably about twenty thousand people who would fit that description" I said laughing a little "but to answer your question, I think it was me yes, though you need to work on your descriptive skills,that place sell the most AMAZING ice cream ever but you already know that since you were there not so long ago to get yourself some" I said "This is English literature not English writing,therefore I think my descriptive skills are just fine" he said smiling " but yeah they do sell the best ice-cream in town but I don't know this because I bought one, I know because I work there" he said scratching in his backpack looking for something "You work there?!" I said utterly shocked "Yeah" he said looking up. Right now his got my brain working overtime 'he works there' what.. but I don't remember him being mr Handsome, it couldn't be... can it "my dad owns the place" he continued "so my brother and I help out on occasion" he has a brother!??? Voicing my thoughts I said "You have a brother" nodding he said "well step brother that is, he usually work the counter, his kind of a ladies man so now he claims that working at the counter helps him get the ladies" okay hold up, he has a brother (step brother) who also works there and who handles the counter, could it be "there are five of us but since he always runs for counter duty dad and I are stuck at the back while the other two girls runs the floor just to make sure everything runs smoothly"okay so now that I know who does counter duty I'm at least a hundred percent sure that it's him, that it's mr Handsome, wow what are the odds "Oh my word that is so cool, but wait, why are you telling me all this,we're not exactly childhood buddies (no offense)" I said and he let out a throaty laugh "I don't know exactly, maybe it's because I'm trying to get you to ask me for a three month voucher or something" causing me to laugh "Well, are you??" I asked raising my eyebrow "If it would mean seeing you again, than I guess it is" he said with a smug smile "Just make sure you show up for class and there'll be no need to go around sucking up" I said with a sly grin "Well in that case, I'll be sure to make sure I get here before time" he said causing me to laugh out loud "Whatever rows your boat" I said smiling "I believe it's whatever FLOATS your boat" he said returning that smug look from earlier "And I do believe this is English Lit and not English writing" I defended " Floats, Rock, Rows, it's all the same thing really" "There's a difference" he said "A big one at that" is he honestly challenging me right now?? " You don't want to do this, trust me, challenging me head on is not something you want to get messed up in" I tried hiding my smile as I watched his smug look change into something more hesitant "Oh would you relax, I'm just messing with you" I said as we made our way out of class to go our separate ways "You know a few minutes ago I met this girl who was practically shaking in her boots due to her thinking she had reason to be nervous, but somehow she's transformed into someone full of sass" he said crossing his arms over his chest "Whatever happened to her?" I asked tapping my finger on my chin "I think her transformation happened shortly after she met you" I said failing to hold my smile "Now are you done asking me questions you already know the answers to or are we going to stand here another ten minutes to make sure we covered everything?" I asked giving in to any intention of not smiling "actually" he said mirroring my expression "I have to get going, duty calls,but my leaving can only mean one thing" he said as his smile grew "And what's that" I asked "it only gives me more time to find more questions that I already know the answer to" he said with a knowing smile.See what I'm doing here, I'm letting myself go, less smile and wave and more interaction. "I'll be waiting" I said turning around and walking away with a huge smile on my face. I headed towards the parking lot since Sky texted me earlier on to say I should meet her there, when I got there I was surprised to see Kendra there as well "Hey Kenn, how have you been? I haven't seen you around for quite some time" I said to her "Yeah sorry about that I've been busy, but I'm still running strong" she said smiling at me "Actually the reason I came over was to find out if you guys would like to join us next weekend?" She asked looking between the two of us "uh, when you say us, do you mean ALL of us?" I asked her "Yeah as in the entire squad,we thought we should do something fun since we haven't really done anything since....yeah well since forever" she answered while Sky and I exchanged looks "Aiden is welcome to come as well,it goes without saying" she quickly added probably thinking that was the reason for our hesitation "No,no it's not that" Skylar said "Its just that my mom is hosting this fancy do that we kinda have to attend" "but I'm sure we can get out of it, right Chan" she said once she noticed how Kenn's face dropped "Its your mom, I just follow your lead" I said, why she always involves me is beyond me "Well I hope you guys can make it, it'll be fun" Kendra said. We all went our separate ways and I just got home, I texted Sky that I was home safe (this has become a norm for us) "Do you think it's legit?" She texted, huh "Do I think what is legit?" I texted back "This whole 'we all trying to get along' affair" she replied "I don't know, maybe?" I said half asking "Aiden said his not going, spending his day with a bunch of pretentious people is not exactly how he planned for it to play out" she said "Well there goes my plans for having fun" I said "What?! You have me" she replied "Yeah till you get sucked into all the FAKING with the rest of them" I said "You should know by now that I'd never ditch you" was her reply "Yeah whatever" I said "now if you don't mind I'd like to close the door and go inside" I said "WHAT?!!!! You have got to be kidding me, what is wrong with you? You know what never mind don't answer that, you telling me you were standing and texting in the door all this time!!! Oh gosh this is bad, I don't know whose rubbing off on who,but it's happening, we're going to be the death of each other" she replied and I could literally picture her shacking her head losing her mind at my tardiness and this only got me laughing "Your slowly approaching heart attack will be the death of you" I texted back laughing "Anyway, talk to you a little later,bye" I said as I put down the rest of my things, a few seconds later my phone buzzed again and I was pretty sure it was Sky again, I checked my phone and found that it was her, saying bye and to make sure that I locked the door and to say hi to Ally....way to cautious that one. I walked towards the TV room when I heard a noise coming from it, when I got there the place was like a ghost town 'where is everyone' I thought,not bothering to search the place for some kind of living soul I threw myself onto the couch changing the channel to one of my favorite shows, my eyes started to get heavy and I'm guessing that as usual I fell asleep because all of a sudden I felt something heavy drop down on top of me, I opened my eyes and found a smiling Ally on top of me, shoving her off I said "is this honestly the only thing your good at" she sat up straight and said "I hope not" the agony "Sky said to tell you hello" I said with my head in my hands "really" she asked sounding excited "tell her I say hi too" no, no way, who do I look like, the postman???"Yeah no,you can tell her that the next time she comes by" I said sitting up straight "That won't be for awhile" she complained "Trust me that day will be happening sooner rather than later, she's going to need her boots one of these days and the only way she's getting them is by fetching them herself" I said ever confident "This having leverage thing really does work, I should try it sometime" she said "No, please don't, it will only add to the list of things I shouldn't be teaching you and if mom and dad finds out, I'm going to have to find myself a new place to live" I said turning my head to look at her "WHAT??! No! You can't leave me here all alone, you can't just leave" she said causing me to laugh a little "Relax,I'm not going anywhere,I'm just saying" I said ruffling her hair "besides where am I suppose to find someone as equally annoying as you are, do you know how much people are able to go around bragging about their life sized alarm clocks?? Hardly anyone" I said "well in that case, I'll be doing it more often" she said all smiles,we watched some more TV till like 8:30 and that's when I had an idea. Mom and dad won't be home until twelve so that gives us exactly three and a half hours (if not more) not that we're going to need that much, "Hey Al, get your jacket, we're going to go have some fun" I said turning to her and the only response I got from her was her running towards her room, following my orders. This trip would be mutually beneficial, she gets to stop comparing me to our very absent parents and have fun while I get to see Anthony (and his brother) again. She was out in no time, jacket in hand ready to go "Where we going?" She asked "The ice-cream parlor" I said "they sell the best ice-cream in town" I said as we made our way to the door "lets go, we might have a lot of time on our hands but we never know what could happen, mom and dad might come back early" and with that we were out of the door.

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