Chapter : 6

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Monday's should be evicted from the days of the week because honestly...they're the worst.

Right now it honestly just feels like I can abandon the world and everyone in it.
To say that I was tired would be putting it lightly.

I haven't slept at all this weekend. Ally and I had spent the last three days over at Sky's and we haven't really done much sleeping, we got home around eleven last night and even then I couldn't sleep, I had to finish my long overdue assignment .

I think I went to bed at like three this morning only to get up at half past five, so sue me for not being in the best of moods.

The minute I set foot out of bed I just knew that today wasn't going to be a good one. I decided to get ready a little earlier today because I wanted to stop by the bookstore before I head to class, but this day obviously had other plans for me.

I entered the kitchen to try and whip up a quick breakfast but the note on the refrigerator stopped me.


This was from non other than Mr and Mrs Jensen, it was so like our parents to leave us with no warning whatsoever.

This obviously meant that I would have to take Ally to school, already ruining my plans for the day, more like my week, if not more. Was it honestly really necessary for the both of them to leave? I mean come on, tomorrow was their daughters first netball match (which she's been ranting over for weeks now). She also has a dentist appointment on Friday, mom was suppose to take her but looks like I'll be taking her.

It's not that I don't want to, I'll do anything and I do mean anything for Allison, but I'm only eighteen, a freshman in college, I shouldn't exactly be playing parent of the year.

My parents have never been around much when I was her age. So I practically had to raise myself, I don't want that for Ally and that's partly the reason why I'd go out of my way for her, I'd go out of my way to make sure she has the childhood I could only dream of having, make things easier for her, because contrary to popular belief, I don't want her turning out to be anything like me.

I want her to grow up being able to be her own person, radiant and confident, I want her to be happy, but, I also want her to be a realist. I don't want her to go around pretending like I do, yes I sometimes convince myself that it's for a good cause, but still. And though she hasn't said anything about our absent parents (well not in so many words) it's painfully obvious that it does in fact affect her. I'm guessing she never says anything directly in relation to the specific topic because she's thinking of how it would affect me, it's kind of our way of looking out for one and other without saying so.

I dropped Ally off about a half an hour ago and therefore didn't really have time to pop into the book store, I also decided against attending my first class (I don't do this very often), not because I didn't like it because it's quite the opposite since it was English Literature, but I decided not to go because quite frankly, I really wasn't up for it. Besides I'll just be wasting time, not just mine but the rest of the class as well. To be frank, I just wasn't in the mood.

Since I wasn't really use to ditching class I ended up sitting in the library (I don't really know where people go when they decide to cut class......though there were quite a few places). Sitting in the far back corner, making sure I couldn't be seen nor heard.

I've never really been much of the antisocial type, but I had my moments, Aiden always tells me how he believes that I somehow joined a support group for antisocial people, I just haven't met them yet. He'd always say things like this when he thinks I'm being rather "distant".

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