Chapter 3

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Early that morning we sat with the Starks for breakfast , it was almost a full dining room and there , their head banner men , maester , and First Lady maids sat dining nearby and ate as one with us .

All but One was missing , Jon Snow .

Breakfast wasn't much but I'm sure it was the best they had , bread , beacon and green beans .

They didn't have much resources in the north but they made the best of everything they had .

After breakfast I wrapped up warmly in my cloak and headed outside to meet Ayra and Sansa who wanted to show me around the castle grounds before they were called for there lessons with the maester .

There Dire wolves accompanied us through the castle but they made me uneasy . They were known to be a protective specie and to be honest I didn't know Dire wolves still existed but the stark girls loved there's and they treated them like pets .

I took the opportunity to ask the girls about Jon snow , but wasn't so much about him as it was my curiosity about a bastard living the same castle with his estranged family . It wasn't common and most bastards were sent to live somewhere else but everybody knew Ned Stark was a man of honour and loyalty , but it was strange to house him here where his family lived .

"So your brother Jon ? He doesn't sit with you and your family ? " I casually asked but Sansa gave me a pondered look.

"It's just he wasn't at the feast Last night nor at breakfast " I added quickly, a little to quickly and Sansa frowned at me .

"No , mother doesn't approve . Jon never joins us for meals or prayer at least not in Winterfell anyway " Arya sighed sadly .

"And he sleeps in differant quarters to the bedroom wing ?" I asked adverting my eyes to anything but Sansa Stark.

"No he sleeps there in his bedroom in the sleeping quarters , it's just Jon is not allowed to attend any 'stark ' occasion or join us at meal times . But we love Jon like a any sister would love . He is our brother whether his last name says it or not " Sansa smiled .

"We know no different it's always been like that here with Him and he's never complained " Arya added before she grew impatient and grabbed my arm again pulling me towards the west end tower .

As soon as I bid a farewell to the girls who had already been 10 minutes late for there lesson I went in search of my sister , well actually anybody in my family . The castle was so big it was easy to get lost or preoccupied with something else along the way.

I spotted my father and Ned stark stood on the wooden balcony over looking the courtyard I had only visited last night . When I neared them they ended there hushed conversation Immediately and my father cleared his throat .

"Naelahra my love what have you been doing ? Rogan , Robb and Relina headed to the town markets and I thought you were meant to go with them ?" Father asked , he looked taken back with my presence .

"I didn't know Father , but then again the girls and there wolves have had me scoping out every inch of this castle .. Even the hidden walls ! It's pretty big so I guess I missed them but I will go tomorrow " I suggested instead .

Father and Ned exchanged a quick glance at each other , father nodded discreetly and I gave him a questioning look to which he ignored.

Ned cleared his throat once more .

"I can see why you would of missed them Lady Naelahra , I swear them kids know this castle better than I " Ned laughed .

"I'm sure Robb will take you Tommorrow " Father smiled and I gave him a loving kiss on the cheek .

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