Chapter 54

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I could hear Silas tapping his foot absentmindedly outside my door , he had been there for a while and I knew he was bored .

I mean he didn't really need to be here it wasn't as if i was in any real danger here In my room and trust me I could scream louder than the next one ,

I pitied Sir Silas for having the task of being my minder when I'm not with the castle guard but he is the only one apart from Aramis that my father and brother trust but him and his expertise is more needed to them at the council meeting than idly standing out side my door .

I was bored , there wasn't much to do here and because I'm not allowed to attend nor get involved with the current affairs around the castle it left me with virtually nothing to do .

I opened the door and Silas straightened up , "take me to the library ?" I asked and he held out his hand to lead the way . I think he was glad of the distraction and I smirked up at him coyly ,

Maester Aemon was perched every so frailly over his desk and I stilled immediately as not to startle him ,
He had grown ever so old in the matter of just months and I pitied him .

"Lady Purnell of Privia - I was wondering when you would make your way to the library " he smiled as his blind eyes scanned around my presence .
It still amazed me even now that had could do that ,
"Maester Aemon .."I nodded , "I am merely not wanted at council and yet I am surprised you are not there ? You where lord Mormonts closest advisor ?" I asked curiously as I ventured further in so I could see him properly .

"I am afraid things have changed quite significantly since lord Mormont has passed , it appears my absence is not noted therefore I do not waste my time on the petty affairs that Lord Thorne brings to council as rarely as it is  " he replied with a weak tone .
"You do not approve ? You do not believe he should step in to become the new Lord commander ?" I asked , I was surprised , he had been first ranger for many odd years leading the men to battle but the men feared him .

"But it is not up to me child , I will fallow my orders regardless " he replied as he pondered on a thought for a moment ,
"And if you should chose ?" I asked carefully as I neared him .
"Then I would chose very wisely " he nodded slowly and I rose my brow at the sure tone in his voice .
"You seem to have some opinion ?" I replied and he nodded his head every so slowly ,

I was sure he had picked up on my interest as he carefully scuffled around his table to where he found his chair .

I didn't want to push the old man for answers as I knew it was not in his nature ,

"I will sit with Maester Aemon for a bit Sir Silas you are free to leave I will not stir " I ordered as I looked to Silas with Surety .
He took a moment before he nodded his head and left me be .

I poured myself a glass of red wine as I did for Maester Aemon and I stood by the open fire .
Not a word was said for a while but the silence was comforting .

I explored the many books that the old library held as I kept one eye on the Maester , he sat by the fire clutching his walking stick as his mind seemed a million miles away .

"Do you believe a war is coming to the north maester Aemon ? " I Asked carefully and he moved his head to the direction of my voice .
"And what do you believe child ?" He asked ,
"I do not Believe that the King and his brother renly were murdered by bandits and I believe a war is coming South " I replied quietly as not to be overheard and I neared him .
He nodded his head , "and the north ?" ,

I hesitated for a moment , "I believe in Jon Snow " I replied swallowing the sudden lump in the back of my throat .

"As time passes they will too"
He only nodded his head again and pursed his lips , he was very much captured up in his own thoughts once more ,

I said no more ,

I cleared my throat and returned  to the book shelf where I found my self searching through the history books .

My eyes idly scanned the shelfs ,

"Maester Aemon I have bought you some food " a familiar voice called out and I stiffened .
"Ah Jon snow " he replied croakily as Jon's eyes caught mine immediately .

"Snow .. Lord snow ?" I nervously nodded before I dropped my head to stare at the floor .
I wanted to run immediately but I knew my manners in front of the maester ,
"I am no Lord here my Lady " he replied rather sternly ,
Suddenly I looked up , "I believe your father is the new king " I replied in astonishment .
"I am Jon Snow a man of the nights watch " he nodded as he too dropped his head .

I knew the men lost all rights to there name when they took there vows but he was still the Kings bastard son but I said no more ,

"May I borrow this book Maester Aemon ?" I asked As I randomly picked up the first book to find my grip . I wanted to get out of there fast ,
"Why Of course " he replied and I tucked it against my chin as I made my way passed Jon .
"What are you reading my Lady ?" He Asked stopping me dead in my tracks .

I looked Away purposely as he wrangled it from my arms ,

"-The Fathom tales of sir Freo Dire  " he read out and he rose his brows in amusement .
"Yes I like him " I replied trying to keep my cool yet I did not know of such a person .

"I believe he was a  fat knight who rose to top knighthood by having an affair with the wife of king Aegon of dornish's son and years later was beheaded for his dis-loyalty ?" He smirked knowing I had no idea ,

I cleared my throat , "well I have heard it's a good read " I muttered and i tried to take the book from his tight grip but for a split second our eyes locked and it was as if we were looking at each other for the first time ,
I quickly looked away .

"May I suggest one that i think you will enjoy ? An old story perhaps ?" He asked and I nodded my head unable to find my voice ,
I followed him to the far right of the room And down an aisle that held a collection of very old dusty books ,

I turned my head discreetly to see if Maester Aemon was listening from afar but he was sat at his desk fiddling with his cup .

His eyes scanned the book shelf and I followed them carefully ,

"I gifted this book to Aria once and I'm sure it's here too if I can just find it my Lady  " he said loudly for the benefit of the Maester I am sure but I did not reply for I was concentrating hard ,
I tried hard not to admire his rugged looks but it was impossible not to , my mouth opened slightly and immediately I Was bought back to my room in my bed with Jon snow .
I closed my eyes trying to counteract my thoughts ,

Suddenly he pushed a book into my arms and our hands touched , a sudden rush tingled down my spine and it was quite obvious that we still held that chemistry , that spark was still very much alive and he felt it too as we both inwardly gasped when our eyes locked well as our hand .

His finger slowly slid across my thumb and he caressed it softly ,

I pulled away immediately prompting him to straighten up and pull him himself from whatever thoughts went through his head too .

There was a loud call of my name and I rushed to the top of the library where Silas stood waiting for me .

"Take me to my brother and Aramis" I ordered ,
"Of course " he nodded , "and Snow you are requested to join them " he added .

I wanted to roll my eyes , why didn't I wait for him to speak first for I could of requested to be taken back to my room instead but I knew it was a disclosed council meeting they would be having and I was yet to know the true extent as to what was happening ,

"Il be along shortly " Jon nodded and I looked to the book that I still held in my arms .

                - Amelia Storm
     The girl who cried freedom for all-

It was a fitting book for a woman like me but I wasn't in the mood anymore he had sort of killed it ..

I dropped it on the chair and left with Silas ,

I didn't look back .

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