Chapter 25

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That morning I awoke to my brother sat at the end of my bed .
"Rogan ?" I asked groggily still waking up from the first good nights sleep I have had in days .
"Happy name day " he smiled at me adoringly before he opened his hand to reveal a small brown leather bag resting on the palm of his hand .

"I thought we were going to do this when we were back in Privia ? " I asked giving him a Wolfish grin but inside I was dancing with delight .
"Yes we will celebrate then but today is your name day and I wanted to give you this " he smiled and handed me the small leather bag .
I shot upright in the bed excitedly and opened the bag laying the contents out into the palm of my hand .
It was a gold ring with an emerald green stone ,
It was beautiful and I gasped in surprise .
"Do you like it ?" He asked and I nodded my head frantically .
"You bought one for Relina on her 18th name day but it was blue , you said it matched her eyes " I smiled recalling the memory .
"And yours is green to match yours " he nodded and suddenly I threw myself at my brother and squeezed him tightly .
"I love it thank you " I gushed at him .
"Ok enough with the mushy stuff I need to get to the yard and get these men training " he laughed shaking his head , Rogan was never one for loving confrontations he kept the mushy stuff for Lady Katrell .
He kissed my cheek before he left but I was already admiring the ring that I now wore on my right hand ,
It really was beautiful .

I bathed that morning and let my tame hair flow down my back , I put on my white dress and paired it with my grey cloak .
Thou I didn't want to celebrate I still felt like perking myself up for the day . I was beginning to lose my vanity amongst the black .

Silas and I headed for the balcony that over looked the yard , I wanted to see how my brother was going with the new recruits, I didn't frown upon the reason why he was down there but I had faith that he could shape up these men and have them ready .

He was working on technique when Jon stepped into the yard with Sam.
They wore rough black metal armour that looked like it had seen better days and held frumpy make shift shields that looked far more worst for wear.

Jon laughed suddenly at something he'd seen and pulled out his sword hurriedly and waved it at his fellow brothers jokingly .
It was then I noticed that Jon didn't bear the same battered blunt swords that the rest of the men held , he's one was far more larger and looked incredibly sharp .
It was quite distinctive too , it had a white wolf's head that sat at the top of the sword and I couldn't understand how Jon came to own such a fitting piece of Beautiful weaponry .

"Valyrain steel ? "I asked Silas and I nodded towards Jon .
"Yes My Lady , a gift from Lord Mormont I believe " he replied and I looked to him curiously .
What an extravagant gift to give to a recruit I thought to myself , it's rare to find such steel amongst the kingdoms and the white wolf head piece was so ... Jon ?
"I believe your brother was right , from what we hear the Commander is very taken by young Snow . We suspect he's grooming him for command " Sir Silas answered my thoughts and my eyes went wide .
"Jon Snow a Lord Commander " I muttered in surprise but merely to myself .
"Yes My Lady , it would be a waste to have him doing otherwise " Silas replied with a nod of his head and my eyes flew to Jon .
Jon snow a Lord commander of nights watch one day , somehow I wasn't surprised perhaps I knew Jon Snow would amount to something one day .

Jon's eyes flew up and he smiled discreetly as they set on mine but no sooner did I return him the curtsy he had his sword drawn and resting on Pips ribs .
They both laughed out loud and stood back to take position again .
"Hungry my Lady ? " Silas asked and that's when the hunger hit me . I nodded and fallowed him to the dining room .

The Lord commander was sat with Maester Aemon as they sipped broth from there bowls and talked quietly by the fire .
"Lord commander , Maester Aemon " I nodded with curtsy making my presence known and The Lord commander stood to welcome me in .
"Please help your self my Lady but I fear it's broth and bread again this morning " The commander said apologetically .
"Not to worry Lord Commander " I replied offering him a reassuring smile and I went to kitchen to help myself and Silas to a bowl each .
We sat in silence in the dining room both to our thoughts when Sam stepped in , I smiled at him immediately and he clumsily tripped over the leg of a chair as he made his way to us .
"Carful Sam " I giggled , his cheeks reddened and he nodded his head shyly .
I liked Sam he was harmless but ever so clumsy . "What are you up to Sam ?" I asked kindly .
"I must make a start on preparing dinner for this evening my Lady .. Rabbit again I'm
Afraid " he replied with a small smile .
I dwelled on the thought , I didn't like Rabbit very much but I didn't want to offend there hospitality .
"Sounds great sam" I replied and that's when I had a thought .
"Sam, there are pumpkins in the store room that we have bought from Privia .. Bring me two before they spoil if not spoiled already and I will meet you in the kitchen " I suggested and without another word Sam rushed to the kitchen all while Silas sat with a curious glint in his eyes .
"What are you doing My Lady?" Silas asked .
"Well Silas do you find the thought of stale bread appealing for afternoon tea ? " I asked with a mocking tone to which he chuckled delightfully .
"I'm not objecting My Lady " he scoffed and he fallowed me to the kitchen briskly .
Sam tossed two large pumpkins onto the wooden bench and I searched for a knife big enough to cut threw them .
"Here we go " I suggested and I held up a large butchers knife with a jagged edge .
"Let me My Lady " Silas warned and took the knife from my tight grip immediately .
"Wouldn't want you to lose a finger " he scoffed and I rolled my eyes at him .
"Sam go fetch some flour , sweet sugar and eggs perhaps you have milk ? " I asked raising my brow at him in hope .
"Goats ?" Sam replied but he looked excited and just as eager to help as he scurried around gathering up the ingredients.
"Yes Sam that's fine" I assured him and I prepared a large mixing bowl with a spoon and placed the cast iron pot on the fire to get it heated .
"What can I do my Lady ?" Silas asked and I looked up at him with surprise .
"Chop it up without the skin and place in the bowl , leave the seeds it adds crunch " I replied trying to hide my amusement .
Sam hurried back and placed the ingredients on the bench .
"Ok watch me Sam , from what I can remember Pumpkin pie is quite easy to make " I said trying to recall the exact way my Nanny Maid used to make it when we were little .
As Silas added the pumpkin I tossed in the flour , sugar , eggs and stirred it all together with the goats milk .
"Just keep mixing until it's blended together then pop in a large flat bowl ?" I explained and Sam clumsily rummaged through the shelfs and cupboards knocking every thing about until he found the perfect tin .
I popped the mixture onto the flat tin and Silas placed it into the cast iron pot placing it back over the fire .
"Shouldn't be long "I smiled and Sam's face lit up with joy .

I took a seat by the fire to watch over it as He tided up the kitchen thou it didn't matter it was disorganised and dirty anyway no matter how neatly Sam Tried to place every thing away .

"Smells good" Sam smiled and he took a seat on the bench opposite me .
"Is it ok to sit here ?" He asked suddenly remembering his manners but I shook my head and held my hand up . "Don't fret Sam it's ok " I assured him .
"My mother used to Bake too , she used to make the sweetest pies .. " he smiled as he recalled the memory .
"I miss the smell more than I miss the taste " he said and a sudden sadness hit him .
"Well your lucky .. I'm afraid my mother didn't bake ... She couldn't beat an egg " I scoffed and Sam giggled .
"Why would she need to " Sam replied and offered me a soft smile . I just nodded my head and peered into the cast iron pot to see how it was all coming along .

"I think it's nearly ready Sam " I smiled and he licked his lips and rubbed his hands together excitedly .
"Can I give some to Jon " he asked ,
"I bet he'd love some pie " he pleaded .
"Of course , just don't tell anybody else .. This our guilty pleasure " I giggled

And before I needed to ask .... Silas was already out the door to fetch Jon ..

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