Chapter 33

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A/n: just a heads up .. Again I am going to run through chapters rather quickly again until I get to the good stuff ; ) lol .

We had finally reached the road to the palace after enduring a long 2.5 week ride from the north to the east side of the Kingdoms but we had made excellent time on the road .

Already my head was out the window and I was giggling with sheer happiness as I took in the warm privian air !

Oh how I missed it .. It had been months since I had been at home and I made a pact with myself that I would never leave it again until the day I left  to start my new life as a wife of a high lord .

Father and Mother were stood at the foot of the palace with the palace entourage awaiting our arrival .

Of course I ran to my mother as she ran to me and I hugged her tightly .
Thou It had only been weeks since I had bid her a farewell at winterfell it felt like a lifetime .

"Naelahra .. Look at you . My child you have grown and now you are a lady " she gushed as she held me out in front of her to glance over my frame .
I smiled up at her with delight but her smile soon faded out .
I frowned up at her ,
"Your father is very mad with you" she whispered and I sighed ,
Of course he was.

"The wall ? Naelahra what was going through your head at all ? We were expecting ... Oh I can't even tell you what went through our heads " she said as she flenched her eyes shut .
"I'm sorry " I replied and I looked to my father who gave me one of his disproving glares .. But he took me from my mothers arms and held me against him kissing the top of my head over and over again .
"I love you so much ..but you are in so much trouble child " he sighed and I dared not look up at him with fear I would see the hurt in his eyes ....


"Had you lost your mind ?" My father shouted at Rogan and he flenched again.

Here we were In my fathers private council chambers baring the burnt of my fathers anger regarding our adventure north.

We were stood in front of him for almost an hour and the balls of my feet were growing numb .

"Father like I said i just wanted to see it .. I begged Rogan to take me " I pleaded with father once more .

"Aw You know how much he gives in to her Elras " mother smirked and I knew she had forgiven us already .

Father couldn't help it and he smirked to but not before he gave us a frightening warning about pulling a stunt like that again .

When I knew father had calmed down I stepped forward to speak with him on my thoughts and concerns regarding the north but rogan grabbed my forearm and pulled me back with force immediately .
"Not now .. Let him settle down" he warned .
"Then when ?" I asked like a whiny child .
"Il do it when the time is right .. He's not ready to hear of it yet he's still reeling . I will await his council on the matter when he calls on me " he whispered .
"but I want to tell him " I pleaded ,
Rogan tightened his grip around my arm and he pulled me aside .
"and have him asking why so suddenly your Interested in the going on's and happening's of the north Naelahra " he snapped at me under his breath .

He was right and I hated that . I never showed an interest before and father would question why I would want to sit with the council and discuss its affairs thou I had a legit reason but I knew my father would press for answers and I wasn't ready to lie yet .

"Just let me ... I will pass on everything I promise " Rogan said and I nodded.

" It's nothing to do with you anymore . You need to let it go " he warned and again I nodded  in understanding ..

Rogan was right .. This was out of my hands and in my brothers ..

And yes I needed to let it  go !
All of it ! .


I was at home 4 weeks and yes after my parents had calmed down things had soon returned to normal .

It had been 8 weeks since we left winterfell and 9 weeks since .. Well I was trying to not to think of that .

As the weeks had gone by it was easier to let go and as no word had arrived from the north and rogan refused to speak to me regarding him and fathers discussions so it was easier to overcome the last couple of months .


I was at home 6 weeks when my father called us to the his chambers .

" I have had word from winterfell , actually your sister " he smiled and I knew by his stance that he had exciting news ahead .

"She's coming to visit ? " I shrieked with delight but he shook his head .

" your sister is with child and she says she can feel it's a boy" mother cried out with delight and i gasped in Surprise .
"She's early .. Perhaps 11 weeks only but we can not contain our excitement" mother added as she wrapped her arms around father lovingly .

"A boy ... An heir " Rogan gasped with happiness .
"A Nephew .. Or a niece ! I don't care I'm so happy for her . Can we send word ? send our up most congratulations to her and Lord stark ?" I asked with excitement and father nodded with delight.

Week 8 .

I was sitting in the sun room enjoying the after noon Brezze reading a new book the palace maester had gifted me when I heard a galloping horse tear up the path of the castle .

I peered my head over the edge of the balcony but I couldn't see who it was , not clearly Any way but I knew it was a man and he was alone .

Our knights rode out on horses to meet the Visitor and I knew by there casually approach that he was welcome or at the very least known to them .

As the rider neared I recognised his bright blue cape immediately as it flapped in the wind and I waved at him eagerly to grab his Attention .

He dismounted his horse and bowed with cursty when he saw me ,
Immediately my cheeks blushed and I smiled down at him .

"Hello trouble " he chuckled ,

"If I am trouble then you are unruly " I teased ,

"Wipe that wicked smirk from your face Lady Purnell and come down here" he laughed and I smiled cheekily down at him .....

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