ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 11 [•ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴsᴛʀᴀᴛᴇ•]

854 34 21

New chapter here.

Stretch was headed to work since the school gave them a couple days off and he decided to work for the meantime. As he went to the coffee shof he worked at, he saw the sweet old lady, Adalie was greeting him from the door.

"Stretch! I watched your match. You were really good! I can't believe that was you." The old lady says and then added "My son and i was cheering for you!"

"Thanks ma'am" Stretch says

"Oh, i bet more people will come here. Because you're here!" She says in a sweet kind of tone as she flips the sign to open

"So is everything fine here? I've been gone for a day." Stretch asks

"Oh everything's been fine, i called my son to help me out here." The old lady says

"Well that's nice" Stretch says as he helps the Adalie to open up the shop and then added "I'll work here for the day, since there's no school"

"Do you still have any injuries from that batle yesterday? Honestly I thought your going absent today as well, to rest." The old lady says

"I'm fine, no injuries. It's all healed" Stretch says as Adalie inspects

"That's good." The old lady says

"Well we should prepare the stuff. Since customers may arrive." Stretch says as he enters the shop

"Oh! You're right" The old lady says as she hurries to prepare the ingredients

"Oh, Stretch is here early. Well that's rare" Another worker says as they just arrived to work

"I don't have classes today, so that's why" Stretch answers

"I watched you in the Tv, and damn you were cool. Didn't know those attacks can come out from a guy like you" The worker says

"Thanks" Stretch replies

Stretch just did his usual stuff for his work. Getting the customers orders and serving them. Nothing seems quite out of ordinary, with the exception of the customers recognizing him because of the sports festival. For him this was quite annoying since people kept asking pictures of him or asking questions about Shift and Sans. After sometime around 11:30 am, an interesting person came, it was none other than that of his teacher Aizawa.

"Hello Mr. Aizawa" Stretch says

"Hello Stretch" Aizawa replies and then added "If you have some spare time, let's head to you're house. We need to talk about the lack of information you guys have. Its quite difficult to admission you guys to an internship like this"

"Sure I can always ask my boss here" Stretch says

"Anyways I'll order black coffee" Aizawa says and then added "We'll go after this, is that ok?"

"Sure" Stretch says

Stretch then went to where the coffee's being made and asks "Ma'am can i just have half a day today. My teacher showed up and I need to sort out some documents."

"Your teacher showed up? Carry on quickly then, you don't want to keep your teacher waiting" The old lady says

"Well after his order of black coffee" Stretch says lazily

After Aizawa got his coffee and finished it. He headed out of the shop and so did Stretch. Stretch led the way as they were heading to Stretch's home. It was awfully silent on the way there none of them talked to each other on the way there. Up until Aizawa decided to talk

Karmatic Trio (Bad time trio x BNHA) Where stories live. Discover now