Chapter 20 [ᴅᴏʀᴍɪᴛᴏʀʏ]

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Here's a new chapter.

It was the day where the dormitories we're being implemented. The three were packing their stuff and were obviously trying to get Sans to get his stuff all ready, albeit it's a slow process. Aizawa did buy them some clothes last time which was for the training camp, it may not be that stylish but hey, it's comfy. Stretch was already ready and Shift just needs to get their toothbrush. Sans well he probably is, hopefully.

Their stuff were actually just little they didn't even have to much to bring. And yes they still have quite a lack of clothes, even though Aizawa already bought them some. To be honest their stuff so little that all can fit into a singular backpack, excluding of course their ever-growing stock of ketchup, chocolate and honey. Plus their bed sheets that Shift stored in another bag.

"Well we better get going" Stretch says as he lights up a cigarette.

"Yeah.. Did you pack all of your stuff?" Shift says as they looks towards a singular backpack

"Yep" Stretch says as he exhales the smoke

"Also please smoke outside and not inside. We don't want the house to smell like cigarettes" Shift says whilst looking peeved.

"Sure, sure" Stretch says as he waltz outside

Shift then begrudgingly went to Sans to see if he was done packing his stuff. Surprisingly, he was actually done stuffing all of it in a bag. Unsurprisingly, he was asleep while standing in the corner of the room, that's probably not a good spot to doze off. Additionally like always their room was a real mess like always; with empty ketchup bottles littered everywhere, a trash tornado, there were remains of some stuff that probably was a project, and a treadmill that's most likely broken situated on the ceiling.

An audible groan was heard from Shift as they shouts "Sans! Wake up we're going already. Aizawa says he's bout' to arrive"

Then a sound of Sans just simply snoring flooded the room. Shift sighs because of this and goes up to Sans and shakes him violently and then drops him to the ground. Sans did a shortcut to save himself from plummeting face first into the floor and says in a low hoarse voice "I'm up, I'm up."

"Well you better be." Shift says

Sans just rubbed his eye then eyed his stuff knowing that it's probably already about to leave. Then, coincidentally Aizawa just simply arrived from a car.

Shift just left Sans's room and made a 'heh' sound knowing that Stretch was just smoking outside and is probably or hopefully getting berated by Aizawa since he very much dislikes the fact that Stretch smokes and will scold him for that.

Well it's apparently wishful thinking since Aizawa did not catch Stretch smoking. Sans was already there most likely via a shortcut and was handing Aizawa his stuff and talking about. While Aizawa situate their stuff in the back of the car that's probably borrowed from the U.A.

"Well we're going. Better get inside already" Aizawa simply says as he stuffs their bags

Stretch just took a seat in the front and was on his phone watching stuff. As Shift hopped on in the backseat as Sans just shortcuts in while connecting their headphones to their phone to listen some music. Some time later they drove away.

With Aizawa which was a 50/50 whether they arrived early or late. Well they're late and all of the students were gathered around the Heights Alliance establishment which was our dormitory.

Aizawa then went on to blabber about the dorms

"looks like everyone got the permission." Sero says

"I had to work hard for it!" Hagakure says as she hunched over dramatizing her complaint further since she's invisible.

Karmatic Trio (Bad time trio x BNHA) Where stories live. Discover now