Chapter 25 [Overhaul]

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Lol i just realized how fucked up this is. I decided to try and read this story a bit, for motivation. Now i do not know this shit, there are literally parts here that i do not remember writing. So uh, i am mentally face-palming myself at this. And I'm definitely blaming sleep deprivation on this. Anyways im back, i guess?

Suddenly a pang of dizziness washes over them. It affects Mirio the most, he struggles to remain balanced and stumbles, leaning against the wall for support. It's as if you drank a lot of alcohol. Stretch was the least affected apparently, he has a lot more of experience with drinking beer anyways. This quirk is obviously less effective to those with prior experience.

Shift feels as if their doing a thousand summersaults in the air while managing to be in a roller-coaster. It's fucking nauseating.

Its ironic that the supposed youngest of the three has a lot more experience with this.

"Wh-What?!" Lemillion says being disoriented and baffled on what in the world is happening

"Haha...ha! Are you... sloshed?" Says a guy hanging from the ceiling whilst drinking, it's disgustingly getting all over the place as the alcohol drips a little.

"Your legs look shaky... Mine are too...That's why... I'm walkin' up n' here... Don't get close to me..." Drunk ceiling guy says as he drinks upside down, how do you even drink upside down y'know what fuck logic at this point.

The guy was eyed cautiously and with disgust l

"Bwa ha ha! Feeling drunk, are ya?! Hic... like... you... can't... stand up... can't stand up... straiiight?! Same here, man!! Which's why I ain't walking around down there! Better stay away from me, or you'll get just as plastered!!" The drunk ceiling guy says as he drinks some more throwing some knives out.

Shift dodges it a bit still it ended up grazing their cheek

"Shut up." Stretch says as he shakes his head and immediately went to attack the drunk ceiling guy

"You'll catch my drunkenness..." The drunk ceiling guy says in a warning-teasing tone. Immediately Stretch threw a punch, detaching the guy from the ceiling. He was the most dangerous here, as attacks are less accurate because of his quirk. It affects Shift the most since wielding a sharp knife requires more accuracy than throwing a punch.

A guy with a bird mask aims a gun at Mirio who's obviously the most affected by this off-putting drunkness. Sans immediately uses a barricade of bones to protect Mirio. Magic was dangerous to use in this situation since it needs precision but who can tell him otherwise? It's not like he'll drunkenly attack people randomly.

"You guys!" Mirio says in glee, knowing he has more people with him.

Shift narrows their eye to the guy and questions if he even heard what they said earlier. Or was he so enraged that he has gone deaf at that time. Since, it doesn't seem like he knew that they were there.

Sloshed drunk guy threw knives at them. Shift managed to deflect it. Stretch immediately knocked the guy to the ground.

Then the masked bird guy who had shot the gun that was possibly filled with quirk-destroying bullets steps forward and then asks "What's your Quirk?"

"Permeation. When activated, I can slip through anything!" Lemillion says, he then made a short gasp before covering his own mouth, realizing what he had just done. He didn't meant to say that.

Shift mentally noted that, that was the guy's quirk. It somehow forces people to say the truth. Sans was staring at the guy with his usual resting eat-shit face whilst Stretch was beating the shit out of the drunk guy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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