Chapter 39

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Author pov

Khao is glaring at the girls who are being too engross in seducing to his man. He see them while mudering his ice cream which is no more ice cream but a soup now. Other four are trying very hard not to laugh. Oh first you are so amazing. You really help us a lot one girl say. Oh my goodness thanks a lot firsty with giggle the girls go from there. First just see them in confusion while scratching his nape.

Whats with them...  he got scared from khao muderous glare. Oh khao you scared me he rub his chest. Did something happen he ask and khao just give him a smile which just look weird for some reason. Ok bye firsty khao go from there with gemini and lia follow him. Huh what happen to him he again rub his nape confusedly. What happen to him he see his friend confusedly. You are gonna dead meat first his friends say and first see them in confusion. Lets go for class kai and fourth go and with confusion first follow them.


They are writing notes when khao pen fell down. Take this first with a smile take the pen from floor and give it to khao with a smile. Oh my goodness thanks a lot firsty khao glare at him and start writing the notes. Huh well your most welcome kha--o he see his friend with confusion who just say all the best with a sign. Now i am more confuse he mumble while scratching his head with confusion.

Oh this gonna be like this first explain the problem to khao with a huge smile. Oh my goodness thanks a lot firsty khao again glare at him and go from there. What happen to him he see door from where khao had gone. What happen to him. Can anybody explain it to me he see his both friends. Well use your brain and think what thing make khao upset. Well it is common in couples kai say and fourth nod his head. But what is common first ask and his friends just shrugg their shoulder.

Khao i bring your favourite candy for you he give him his favourite candy. Oh my goodness thanks a lot firsty he glare at him and go from there. Huh what with this boy huh. He is making me really crazy first shout. Ha ha ha haha..... other four just laugh at first.

Yah tell me why the hell he is like this and fucking hell i don't know why he is angry so tell me straight forwardly first glare four of them. Ok ok i will tell you lia first calm down her from laughing. Well he is angry because he is jealous she tell him. But why huh. Why he is jealous he ask confusedly.

Because when you are explaining the girls question you are very close to them and they are seducing you but you did not notice it. Also they call you with nickname thats why he is jealous lia explain him. For this little thing he is angry first ask with disbelief. Well mr first this is not little thing. Tell me if you see him close with other person will you like it lia ask and he shake his head. Thats his reason so go and make him happy lia encourage him and he run from there while saying thanks to her. Dumby she shake her head with a smile.

When first reach the garden he saw khao figure sitting on the bench quietly. He know khao will be here because he know when khao is upset he need fresh and silent place which is this university garden. Khao he touch his shoulder which make him startle.

Khao glare at him and look at other direction. I am sorry khao i don't know you are angry for the girls closeness. I don't know you are jealous. You were jealous huh first smirk at him. Yes i am jealous and why should i not when someone else close with my boyfriend khao look him with pout.

First smile and peck his lips. Even though they try to do what they want to seduce me i will never look at them first also sit near khao. But if you find someone prettier than me he look at him with a pout. It can be that i find someone preetier than you but never like you because you are unique for me and no one can take that place first caress his hair.

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