jealousy - carlos oliveira

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Carlos and you return to your shared apartment after a night out with friends. He takes off his jacket and kicks off his shoes, then sinks into the couch, visibly troubled by jealousy. In his mind, another guy had been getting too close to you at the party and Carlos is seriously struggling to conceal his sadness.

He's upset but he doesn't want to tell you why; he's way more sad than angry. As you ask him what's wrong for what seems like the thousandth time, he just gives you the same vague response - "I'm fine." It's obvious that's a lie though. You release a quiet sigh, knowing that something is wrong and you're determined to uncover the truth. "Carlos, I can tell something's bothering you. Please, just talk to me."

He sighs and lies straight to your face once again, "I'm just tired, honey," pretending to rub his eyes dramatically. In reality, his mind is in turmoil. It's way too loud and chaotic currently. And you see right through his lies. He has always been an awful liar. So he can see that you aren't accepting his answer, you cross your arms over your chest, waiting for an actual response.

"...I don't want you to hang out with that guy anymore.." The words finally leave his mouth in a quiet voice. He avoids making eye contact with you while sitting on the end of the couch.

You feel your face twist in confusion as you look at him, trying to understand what could've made him feel this way. "Him? Why?"

"Please don't act like you don't know why," he says, looking up at you with a frown. His jealousy is intensifying and his tone is firm.

You feel even more puzzled at his words. You genuinely can't see anything wrong with your friend. Because there is nothing. "Well, I can't pretend if I really don't know," you respond.

He sighs, frustrated, and leans back against the back of the couch. Carlos is really upset now, not knowing how to deal with these emotions he's experiencing. He can feel the anger creeping up on him as he looks at you once again. "He's too flirty." Flirty? You guys were just talking. What on earth is Carlos talking about?

"He wasn't flirting with me, Carlos."

"Yes, he was! He was checking you out all night long. How can you not see that?!" he almost yells the words out, his anger starting to get worse.

Annoyed, you start to raise your voice at him, "He's just a friend! He's like my brother! Why the fuck are you acting so overprotective?"

Carlos sits back up, raising his voice as well. It's almost like a competition of who can yell louder at this point. "I'm not being overprotective - I'm defending our relationship! I'm not comfortable with that guy around you. Honey, you know how he feels about you!"

You guys are literally just friends. Seriously, what is Carlos' problem? "Carlos, he doesn't have a crush on me. We're friends. Nothing more."

Carlos is about to snap. This isn't going well at all. "He does have a crush on you, okay? It's obvious. He's doing all these things because he wants you!"

Oh, if you weren't pissed already then you definitely are now. "God. Can't I just have a male friend without you automatically assuming they like me?!"

"It's not just any male friend, Y/N! This time he does like you! I know when a guy has a thing for you!" he takes a deep breath, trying to calm down slightly but still visibly agitated.

Your brows furrow as you speak, "How do you know that? Besides he knows I'm in a relationship. He's not like that."

Carlos lets out a loud sigh. "I have a better idea, Y/N. Why don't you just admit that you like the attention he is giving you?" Wow. That just.. came out. It sounded a bit harsh. Maybe he didn't actually mean that.

"What the fuck is that meant to mean?" You pause for a moment before continuing, "You know what, don't answer that. You're actually being such an asshole right now."

Carlos feels the weight of his words sinking in, regret starting to creep in. He knows he's crossed a line with his accusation, but his jealousy and insecurity have clouded his judgment. He looks at you, seeing the hurt in your eyes, and feels a pang of guilt.

He sits in silence for a moment, then, he stands up and moves towards you, wanting to apologise. "I didn't think before I said that. I'm sorry, babe... I didn't mean it," he apologises. Part of you wants to push him away, but another part just wants this to be done already.

"Don't," you say looking up at him sadly, "Don't pretend like you didn't mean that."

Carlos is hurt by your reaction. His heart sinks as he realizes the depth of the hurt he's caused. He takes a step back, feeling the weight of his actions heavy on his shoulders. He sits down again, he doesn't know what else to do. As he sits down, he feels a strange feeling in his stomach. He wants to cry. That comment was stupid, his behaviour was stupid, he is stupid.

"I'm going to the bedroom," you tell him, your voice cracking as you try to hold back some tears.

"Honey!.." Carlos lets out, but it's too late. You've left the room and gone back to your bedroom, alone.

Carlos sits alone in the living room, knowing he messed up. He's filled with regret for letting his jealousy get the best of him and saying hurtful things. As he sits there in the silence, he replays the argument in his mind, wishing he could take back his words and handle the situation differently.

As soon as you sit on the bed, you start to sob, letting it all out as you think about the argument.

Carlos is feeling miserable too. But instead of crying, he is beating himself up for the stupid things he said to you. He feels really bad.

After some time passes in complete silence, he can't take it anymore. He stands up and walks into the bedroom. As he walks in, he hears you crying but you don't hear him enter.

Carlos sits down on the edge of the bed, having an intense urge to hug you. He puts a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, I.." he says as he chokes up. He wants to apologize properly but he doesn't know how.

You look over at him, eyes red and puffy. "I'm sorry, Carlos. I didn't mean to shout or call you an asshole. You were just trying to look out for me. I'm sorry."

Carlos pulls you gently into a tight hug. He can hear your sniffling and just wants to make you feel better. "Shh, it's okay.." He whispers, "I'm the one who owes you an apology, here I am - trying to look out for our relationship and then I say the stupidest things."

You hug him back and chuckle softly as you speak, "I think we both said some dumb things."

Carlos smiles, feeling a bit relieved. "You're right, I just got a bit caught up by that jealous feeling. I'm not sure how to deal with it. I don't want to be an overprotective boyfriend."

"Just talk to me next time, Carlos. We can deal with it together."

"I will, honey." Carlos smiles and pulls you closer to him and that's how you spend most of the night - in each other's arms.

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