told you so - leon kennedy

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Your relationships have never lasted long, so why did you think this one would be any different? You had no clue. You couldn't even make it through a whole summer. And here you were, once again, let down by another man. What did you expect?

Leon, your best friend for a couple of years, had warned you about almost every guy you dated. But every time, you brushed him off, reassuring him that "this guy isn't like the last one," even though deep down, you both knew it would end the same way it always did.

Leon was right every single time, but you never wanted to believe him. You wish you did.

This whole thing had developed a routine; you get your heart broken, call Leon sobbing uncontrollably, and then he would come over and comfort you until you finally managed to calm down.

You felt guilty for dragging him into your mess, but he was the only one you wanted around during these moments. So, without a second thought, you dialed his number.

As soon as he picked up, he could tell by your quiet sobs what had happened. He tried to reassure you before hanging up.

Within about 7 minutes, the time it took him to reach your house, you had curled up under your blanket, rereading messages from your ex. They filled you with anger and self-disgust, causing you to blindly throw your phone toward the door, making it hit the wall and floor with a loud thud.

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke the silence. "Hey, Y/N," Leon said quietly, but loud enough for you to hear.

It was Leon. Upon hearing his voice, You ducked your head out from underneath your blanket and you were met with sad, blue eyes. He walked carefully towards your bed, sitting down next to you as he pulled your shaking body into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay, everything's going to be okay," he whispered into your ear as his warm hands travelled up and down your back, in a comforting manner - like he did every single time.

Knowing you couldn't even try to look in his eyes again, you buried your head in his neck. If you made eye contact with him again, you would feel 10x worse than you already did for making him have to deal with this.

With his continuous words of reassurance and his hand movements against your skin, you eventually managed to calm down. Tears only slid down your cheeks now and then.

You mumbled against his skin, "Are you going to say it, then?"

What you said made his eyebrows furrow, pulling you away from his chest and holding you at arm's length. But, being embarrassed by the state that you were currently in, you went back to rest your head in the crook of his neck.

"Say what, exactly?" he questioned, wrapping his arms back around your still slightly shivering body.

"You know, I told you so?"

You could feel his head shake, as he let out a sigh, "No, of course not. This isn't the time for that. I don't need to say I told you so, because no matter how many guys you date, no matter how many of them break your heart and leave you, I'm always going to be here. You might try to push me away but all your efforts are going to fail miserably because we've shared too many memories and too many secrets and... Y/N, look, I love you, okay? I love you."

Your breath hitched in your throat, completely cutting off your sobs. You sat up, eyes wide, as you tried to process everything he had just said, the only thing you were able to say was a small, "What?"

He looked like he had doubted himself for a second before repeating what he had just said, "I love you." he paused for a moment before continuing, "And not as just a friend, either."

You just continued to sit there, dumbfounded. God, how could you have been so stupid? How could you not have realised that you love him too? He was the only one that you truly wanted to be with. Leon appeared to be getting more nervous, presumably from your lack of words. So, he kept speaking.

"I just hate seeing you so upset over another man. I hate always being the one to comfort you when a guy that claimed he would never leave you, does exactly what he said he never would. You don't deserve this, I mean- no one does, but especially you."

Instead of trying to come up with a reply, you looked up at Leon and allowed your lips to settle on his. And although the kiss may have been short, you got more out of it than you ever could with your ex.

With you still in his arms, he laid you down in the bed and you watched him as laid down beside you before pulling you to him again, saying, "Go to sleep, beautiful, I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

And with that, you rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your body, protectively. You finally closed your eyes, exhausted after all of today's events. Just as you were about to fall into a much-needed sleep, Leon spoke up once more.

"Oh, and Y/N?

"Yeah?" You whisper, ready to go to sleep. You tilted your head up to look into his beautiful, blue eyes that shined with the moonlight.

"I told you so." He chuckled softly, as you sighed in defeat, ridiculously happy that you were in the arms of the one who you knew would never leave, no matter how hard you would try to make him.

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