love you - carlos oliveira

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You flounced around your and your boyfriend's bedroom, trying to shove whatever you owned into your backpack. Not everything could fit but you tried to take whatever you possibly could. Tears flowed out of your eyes and down your face. They blurred your vision but right now, you didn't care. All you needed was to just get the hell out of this house.

As you headed towards the door, about to leave, you bumped into Carlos' chest, slightly pushing you back into the room.

"Leave me alone, Carlos," you snapped at him. You pushed past him, heading for the front door.

Both of you had just got into a really bad argument and you couldn't bring yourself to even look at him right now. Some might say you're being dramatic but you just want to leave. If you stay, you might completely break down.

"This is what you do every single time, isn't it? You just leave. Run away from your problems," he scoffed, making you stop dead in your tracks.

Oh my god. He really can't leave you alone, can he? You were furious.

You turned around to shout something at Carlos but instead, your eyes immediately locked on his extended arm and his flat palm. You winced and backed away, knowing what was about to happen. You closed your eyes tightly, waiting for his hand to hit the side of your face.

However, when the pain doesn't come, you slowly lift your head and open your eyes so you can look up at Carlos.

His facial expression was now soft. Except for his eyes, which were wide from... shock? His hand had gone back to where it was originally, beside his body.

"Y/N." He took a step forward, towards you but you took a step back, away from him, out of pure instinct. You were now backed up against the wall.

"Y/N, I could never ever hurt you! I'm so so sorry, I never meant to scare you like that!"

He wasn't wrong. He had scared you, really badly at that. You haven't necessarily had the best relationships in the past so seeing that just... brought back some memories.

You could tell he was being genuine. That he didn't mean to scare you and that he would never hurt you. Of course, you knew that. But you were still just recovering from all your memories resurfacing again.

"Please, say something..." he practically begged. Concern was evident in his features as he spoke.

You didn't know what to say to him. All you could do was step forward, wrapping your arms around his middle, and bringing him into a tight hug.

You lean your head on his shoulder and just break down, turning into a crying mess.

Carlos doesn't comment on it, he doesn't judge you or anything. He just rubs your back, comfortingly. And he does so until the very moment you finally calm down.

Once the tears finally stop, you look up at him and speak, "I'm sorry..."

Carlos looked slightly confused by this as he responded, "For what exactly?"

"For being such a mess."

He's quiet for a moment but suddenly starts leaning in to kiss you. He grabs you close, kissing you deeply and passionately.

After a couple of seconds, he decides to say something, "Y/N, I love you so much."

You stood there, locked in an embrace with Carlos, your tears slowly subsiding as he comforted you.

As Carlos rubbed your back, you finally managed to regain your composure. The warmth of his presence and the sincerity in his eyes reassured you that he truly cared. You pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes, and responded, "I love you too, Carlos."

A genuine smile spread across his face, and he gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face.

Arguments happened, but it was the way you both handled them that mattered. You realized that running away wasn't always the solution, and sometimes it was necessary to confront your problems head-on.

Carlos leaned in for another tender kiss, sealing the unspoken promise of a fresh start. You knew that there would be challenges ahead, but as long as you faced them together, your love would endure.

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