again - leon kennedy

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It was a cold, autumn evening. The sun cast a warm, golden hue over the landscape. The air was cool, carrying a gentle breeze that rustled the colourful leaves, which had started to fall from the trees. The scent of earth and fallen leaves filled the air.

You walk down the empty road, just having left work, and the first place you want to go to is the bar.

The road was fairly quiet, except for the occasional car or two. The only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

After a couple of minutes, you finally make it to your destination. You open the door, being met with the familiar sight you've grown to love over these past few months.

The bar exudes a welcoming charm, with soft, subdued lighting that bathes the space in a warm glow. Wooden accents, exposed brick walls, and a crackling fireplace add to the snug and rustic ambience. The overall atmosphere is relaxed, making it an ideal place to unwind, savour a drink, and engage in a meaningful conversation with some friends if you have any of course.

You walk over, straight to the counter, and pull out a stool, sitting on it. Looking up, you notice the bartender you had managed to grow familiar with since he was here nearly every time you went.

"The usual, I assume?" He asks, his eyes glancing at you as he gives a drink to another customer.

"You guessed it." Your voice replies, sounding more tired than you had expected.

He gave a simple nod and got to making your drink as soon as possible. You sit in silence as you wait patiently, thinking about your life ever since he left. Your boyfriend, Leon, that is.

Almost two years ago, he broke up with you.

Words, that were usually spoken with affection, had taken on a sharper edge. Your voices clashed in a discordant symphony of hurt and frustration.

He claimed it was because he loved you and that he was scared of hurting you. But that was the exact thing that he had done when he left. Hurt you.

You managed to distract yourself after this, trying your hardest not to focus on the love of your life leaving you. And it worked, at least temporarily. These past couple of months have been rough. You thought you got over it; apparently, you didn't. So you decided to come here, to the bar, as a way to cope. After that, you just kept coming back. First, it was once a week. Then, it was every other day. Now, it was every day.

The bartender slides the drink across the counter to you, and you mumble a small 'thanks' in return, ready to drink away your problems.

Until you hear someone sit on the stool next to you. You look at them out of the corner of your eye and notice the familiar blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. You look to the side and see the one person you never wanted to see again. Leon.

He feels your gaze on him and looks over at you, his eyes slightly widening, probably from the surprise you assume, but they quickly go back to the way they were.

As you locked eyes, the air seemed to thicken with a mixture of anticipation and tension. Your gazes held a wealth of unspoken history, a testament to the love you had once shared and the wounds that had torn you both apart.

Eyes that had once sparkled with shared dreams now held the weight of unspoken regrets and unhealed wounds. An uneasy silence lingered in the air, carrying the echoes of harsh words exchanged in the heat of your breakup.

"Hey, Y/N..." He spoke, kind of awkwardly. He didn't expect to see you here. To be fair, you didn't think you'd be seeing him either.

"Seriously? You finally decide to speak to me after two years and that's all you have to say? Hey, Y/N?"

Leon doesn't reply and instead lets out a deep sigh, as he fixates on the counter, his gaze frozen, lost in thought, and incapable of verbalizing his feelings. His silence was like a shield, ready to protect his fragile emotions from exposure.

You wait for a reply, which you never get, so you just get up, pay for the drink, and head for the door.

As you exit, you hear a voice call out behind you, 'Y/N!', which you choose to ignore. You shut the door behind you and start walking. You don't know where to, just anywhere away from that bar. The one place you could relax and have some fun is now the one place you don't want to go. Not with him there.

You walk with your head down, all the memories that you and Leon shared coming back. What you didn't realise is that he had followed you out, and right now, he was walking up behind you.

You feel a hand touch your shoulder and you freeze, turning around, ready to punch whoever it is. You weren't in the mood for this.

"It's just me, Y/N. Look... I get it if you want me to leave you alone. Just say the word and I'll go. But please, can you just let me explain?" You could hear the despair in his voice as he spoke.

"Explain what? How you broke my heart because you were 'scared of hurting me'? Or is it how you left without a second thought? Is that it?" Your bitter voice responds, still just as hurt as you were the day he left you.

You could see how his brows furrowed and how he clenched his jaw, showing that he was starting to get frustrated. Well tough luck, because so are you.

"There's nothing I can do to ever make up for what I did. I know that. I just want you to give me a chance to talk about why I did it. And I know that before I gave you some shitty ass explanation if you can even call it one. A-" He was about to continue but you interrupted him.

"Fine. Go ahead then. Tell me why you left." Your voice responds.

You want to know why and you knew the only way was to give him a chance to explain. Or maybe that's just what you thought. You told yourself that was the only reason. Or was it also because you were still in love with him? 'No, that's ridiculous. He broke my heart, there's no way I could still love him.' You think to yourself.

He sighs quietly before speaking, "You know my job is really dangerous, right? I was just trying to protect you because I didn't want people to hurt you. I know it's really shitty. But if I lost you, I don't know what I'd do. I can't live without you, Y/N... And the guilt has been eating away at me ever since I left. I'm so sorry." His words were sincere. You could tell by the way he maintained eye contact and how steady and clear his voice was.

You just wanted to jump into his arms and hug him tight. And that's what you did. You wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him. He tensed up for a moment, before relaxing and hugging you back, holding you close to his chest.

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