Chapter 1

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Anyways, enjoy!

Hattie's POV

I let out a huge sigh as I watched her grind against the air, completely devouring her dance routine. Shit. We're clearly losing against her.

I unconsciously bit my lip, feeling in between anxious and overwhelmed. To think that I've liked her too much that it got to the point of messing around with her and choosing her as a dancer whom I don't respect.

My dance routine can never outdo what she's doing. I know way before that she didn't like me. Why? Because I'm simply annoying-an abomination to her daily.

It started with enrolling in her class, I did enrolled in her class when I was still 17 and it happened 5 years ago just because my mom decided that I have no talent nor hobbies but like watching idols dance. So she availed me a dance lesson. What she didn't know is that I was pushy and I wanted to stand out.

And then there's my teacher who teaches beginners, Beanie. That's her name. She was young and freshly 20 at the time.

I used to think we're destined because our names could be used in a pun. Beanie and Hattie. Both can be worn over the head. Badum tss!

No, because how can I not be attracted to her? She's handsome and stares at you as if you could melt right then and there and even though you make a mistake, she'd encourage you like she's patting a little kitten and that she sees a lot of potential in me.

I was one of the daily fangirls who enrolls to her class wherever she goes. Even if she goes on tour across the continent for a class, I avail myself and empty my pockets just because of my obsession with her. She just has that kind of charisma. Loving her is expensive but I know I'd grind with work just so she'd notice me.

Quite bold of me to think I could pull her being me a minor at the time, and her an adult.

Anybody would freak out in concern and think I'm a weird stalker under their class but I'd pay to see her dance, ogle and at the same time learn from her.

I know my existence started to annoy her months after she sees me around her class and have started to read on my behavior towards her. I mean, I wasn't being mysterious about it either. I liked her a lot.

But unlike before, my dancing charms didn't work and I've received less and less praises from her and it eventually came to a point that she looks at me lesser and reading me as if I really wasn't there to learn but ogle at her. Yes I was there to ogle but I wanted to learn from her and work hard to be in the same crew as her.

But how did I reached in this arena and battling against her after years of not being in contact, you may ask? Well, I wanted to stand with her in the crew she just formed after she left TFN crew.

But alas, her past compliments about my dancing skills back when I was a newbie in her class suddenly felt like it's becoming more forced and fake. I was turned down to be in her team.

"Sorry, we don't take standard dancers." She said so in a text message that left me in a dramatic mental breakdown.

I stopped dancing for a year and stopped reaching out to her till a friend of mine, Evelyn encouraged me to come to dance class with her .

Well... since I'm petty and the rejection left a bad taste on me for such a long time, I agreed to be with her and competed to different competitions till it got to a point where we both got scouted by a crew we're currently in and joined this program.

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