Chapter 2

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Hattie's POV

    I couldn't help but grin and shriek in excitement the very moment I reached home. Even though she doesn't talk and I babble during the whole ride, I was still happy that she bothered to come back for me just to take me home safely

  Could she be worried for me because it's late? My heart fluttered at the idea. I'll seriously give her a coffee truck soon to give my support.

   I didn't waste any time and make a call from one of my friend. Beanie used to decline my small gifts, surely she can't turn down to this. What's she gonna do? Return the truck to me? Hah!

   During my whole lesson days later, I was in a good mood and my patience got longer and bought fried chicken for my students after my class.

   I hummed as I pushed my IG to reload my newsfeed just incase I'd get notifications from her.

   I pouted when almost all of her crew members tagged me on IG to express their appreciation for the coffee truck, except her.

   I reloaded on her account numerous times but still, nothing was there. Nothing new except the photo I liked few days ago.

   I blew out the strand of hair away from my face. That's okay, as long as I won't be perceived as a bad person after picking on their leader at the program.

  I decided to dial somebody to confirm my booking. I wanted to have room to improve so it's best to practice on my core and arms in a fun way possible so I contacted Charlotte to avail her time today.

   I immediately closed up the studio and went to Charlotte's building and wore appropriate attire. Good thing I have exotic dancer heels delivered on time for this lesson. Charlotte was once a professional pole dancer, now she holds classes on Wednesdays and Sundays weekly and we indeed met back at the club.

   For the first thirty minutes, we reviewed what I learned during the last meeting and this time, we're about to apply it into a routine. I winced a little but still find the pain of the 'pole kisses' tolerable than before.

   I still got bruises from the last meeting but this time it only pained a little just because it hasn't fully healed yet.

  After learning the routine, I was given atleast 15 minutes to review before getting filmed of my progress.

  When the time is over, Charlotte called me to take position and sat infront of the pole with legs wide open and the camera positioned on the front with my back facing it.

   When Charlotte played a verse from a song, "One of The Girls by the Weeknd", I knew it's almost my que to start .

Dim me down, snuff me out
Hands on my neck while you push it out
And I'm screamin' out🎶

  I glided my legs into a closed position before raising one up with my back flatly on the floor and swiftly positioning myself in a mermaid sitting position infront fo the camera before rotating my head, while keeping my eyes on the camera as I proceeded to spread my legs and tucking my knees down to support my weight and grind on the air.

Give me tough love
Leave me with nothin' when I come down
My kinda love
Force me and choke me 'til I pass out~🎶

    As I slowly walked towards the pole; I thought to myself...'Think seductive.' It would be a waste of opportunity and money if I don't go all out.

We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight (tonight)~🎶

    As I grabbed unto the pole, I proceeded to sway my hips up and forward against the air as I grabbed on the pole and leaned against it to gain support before finally performing the routine Charlotte taught me.

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