Chapter 5

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Beanie's POV

Right from the start she's been catching my attention. It was the very first time I saw her as she was still a newcomer. Till I can't keep my eyes off her because not only does she memories the steps well, she had a lot of potentials. But it wasn't just that. She was very pretty and charming.

She's not even acting mysterious with her attraction to me and giving me energy drinks and snacks every after the session. At the time, I thought I see her like a cute puppy wagging her tail at me and waiting for me praise.

Overall she stood out and Savanna knew about this pretty girl who's diligently been in my class no matter where I go. I would usually get teased by Savanna most of the time, and I thought about working on my lovelife for once and stood close to her and praising her as much as I can just so she'd come back and learn from me.

But then...

"Sh*t." I cursed under my breath and covered my mouth with my knuckles and shaking my head in disappointment.

"Damn. You're hooked on a kid, Beanie. Woop! Woop! That's the sound of the police." Savanna laughed out loud as she held her stomach. I feel ashamed for actually seeing her romantically.

"Please..." I muttered to myself and nervously licked my lips while I read the forum over and over again. I could still hear Savanna laughing behind me.

"Girl, I know it's quite rare for you to even give attention to your lovelife but it just had to be your unlucky life  because you just had to accidentally fall in love with a kid. Don't worry there's always a first time for everything, You might actually spend the night in prison for the first time than in her bed." She wheezed.

She's a damn minor for heaven's sake! We were in the process of re-evaluating my students when I saw Hattie's enrollment forum. How can I not tell that she was still a teenager? What kind of eyes did I have?!

Oh Gosh, I feel ashamed of myself for taking interest to a 17 years old. She's still a kid and I'm 20 years old. Jail.

The very next session, I tried to avoid and not be too attached to her and it was a good excuse since more and more beginners took my class so she wasn't the only one I had to pay attention too.

Still, I applaud her persistent personality and offer different gifts everytime she's in my class knowing that I do not take gifts from my students anymore because I am literally traumatized because of Hattie. I just can't do kids and I wouldn't say I'd wait for her because that's just creepy of me.

No matter how far I held my session, she was willing to fly to different places just to attend my class.

Since I wanted to grow, I took the opportunity to make my own crew in the city and completely leaving my past crew behind... including her.

That's when she reached up to me after a few months and heard about my plan on recruiting dancers in my crew.

    I have slots almost full with monster dancers from different city, I know my way of teaching will be different and brutal compared to my ethics when I was still a full-time dance teacher.

   I realized how different I was compared to before,  I fully evaluated myself and what I am when I successfully formed my own crew. I will own up that I am a strict leader and a hot-tempered choreographer when it comes to my team. It would be very difficult for me to lead and take care of my crew effectively if she joins knowing that I used to baby her a lot as a beginner dancer. I just don't have the heart to be hard on her and give the same treatment as the others as their choreographer and a leader.  I couldn't help but curse under my breath.

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