Chapter 4

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Hattie's POV

    I was in the middle of locking up my studio after finalizing my routine for my class soon when I received a message from Beanie. My jaw immediately dropped when I saw what she sent me. What right do I have to see this?

   LOML❤️ sent a photo..

  I'm right outside.

I'm heading out now.

  My heart immediately thumped because of two things. Seeing her dance in real time after a long time and her rumored boyfriend. He'll kill me for sure.

  "Hop on." She said and put the helmet over my head and prep the passenger footrest for me to step on.

  Lord, is she this attentive and sweet to everybody? My standard bars are on the ground but that's what I'm kneeling for.

   Though, I'm bothered. Her boyfriend will catch me, for sure. No calm down, act nonchalant. Maybe he won't. It was me and my delulu mind making platonic things into something romantic .

  She was about to start the engine when I grabbed her.

   "W-Wait." I breathlessly said. I can't do it, I just had to know whether or not someone will be waiting for me to catch their hands when I get there.

"What's wrong?" Though it was muffled because of the helmet, I understood her.

   "I-I... Isn't your boyfriend going to get mad, or something?" I shyly asked but instead of a reply that would atleast confirm any of my assumptions to form a conclusion, she laughed and shook her head while played with her throttle, causing a roaring sound out from the exhaust pipes of her bike.

  "Let's go." In a blink of an eye, she zoomed down the streets while I wrapped my arms around her waist to make sure I don't fall off. I don't even feel like now is the right time to take advantage of this moment because I was nervous as heck.

  I gulped when we reached the venue and it was already crowded with people.

  "Sit here. I need to get ready to start soon." She said, pointing at the seat on the front row. "A-Are you sure?" I looked around, feeling nervous and anxious. She was about to leave when I grabbed her arm once more.

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