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Hattie's POV

    Shuta na! Beanie's choreography got the most votes from the lead dancers! She fucking won.

My body left my soul just from hearing the news. I saw her coolly nodding her and slowly clapping her hands as if she expected it coming. Fuck, she's so cocky and I love it about her.

  She lazily sat on her seat.

  I have mixed feelings right now. I'm amazed and then suddenly feeling embarrassed to dance infront of her. Shet I just had to feel shy infront of her now that her deal is sealed and I'm next to ace my routine.

  I was literally spacing out while staring at her. She pursed her lips to hide the arrogant smile on her lip and the mothertrucker had the audacity to wink at me. THAT'S IT, GOODBYE MOM AND DAD. I'M GETTING MARRIED.

     When the MC announced the segment of choosing the Sub-Leader choreography, I know I'm fucked.

   No, I just had to pretend she's not here just so I wouldn't forget my own choreography. Like, Imagine your girlfriend being the ELITE dancer who  is the most credited dancer this season.

Shutaens, did I just called her girlfriend? That fast?

  No we're still in a 'Notice me, senpai' era, atleast from that alter-ego I'd get the confidence to dance. Of coarse we're well-breed attention-seekers, I should show them what these knees and arms can do. Beanie is watching.

  "Wooaaahh! Go get it, Hattie." Evelyn screamed along with my other crew.

  "Show them, girl!"

  From my peripheral vision, I saw Beanie put her elbows on her thighs and leaned forward as if to get a closer look at me and watched me very sharply like a hawk.  Damn, she's in her teacher mode.

  I slowly took a deep breath and waited for the music to play. As if by reflex, when the first beat started my body moved on their own. I tried to make sure my body is strong and clean at the same time. I don't wanna look like a messy dancer and focused on the steps that needed force and the steps that needed to look smooth and at the same time relaxed. How else would I get votes but to make my routine clean and precise?

   When I finished my piece, I got a few claps from the other crews and hollers from my crew.

   The MC came to me and handed me the microphone.

  "Okay, Hattie. What can you say about your piece?"

  I was a breathing mess and looked at the judges. "Uhm. I wanted to make a piece that actually fits the vibe of the song and I've been focusing more on making it look smooth and clear, enough for the dancers to properly see my routine."

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