Chapter 3

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Hattie's POV

   This is one of the painful consequences of  liking a person.   Damn, I only got 4 hours of sleep and I have to make a routine for the upcoming class the day before filming starts. 

   I've been thinking about what Savanna said over and over again even till I got home. I was about to feed my delulu mind with one of my juicy assumptions the moment Savanna exposed her but my dreams are immediately crushed when Beanie nonchalantly said, "It's the least I can do after your spontaneous coffee truck."

   As I was brushing my teeth, my phone binged and a message showed in the notification box.

  654-284-XXX: Good morning, Hattie.

My brows furrowed in confusion, now who on earth is this?

Me: Uh.. Good morning. Who is this?

654-284-XXX: Beanie Lee.

  I literally almost dropped my phone down the sink, reading her message. Is this a joke?

  Me: Not funny, Evelyn. New #?

  654-284-XXX: ???

   I saw how she quickly read it and didn't reply. I was about to call and scold her to drop the act because I wasn't really in the mood to flow on the fun.

   654-284-XXX sent a photo.


   My legs immediately gave out and sat on the bathroom floor as I stared at the screen. No way, NO FUCKING WAY!

  It's definitely her! I can not be mistaken. How— How did she got my number and she's suddenly asking me to go get lunch with her?! I slapped my cheeks making sure I wasn't dreaming.

   654-284-XXX: u there?

  I quickly wiped my fingers with my clothes and shakily replied.

  Me: How did u get my number?

654-284-XXX: a friend of a friend.

  654-284-XXX is typing...

654-284-XXX: so u down?

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