Chapter 1 - Speaking of the devil

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Aziraphale was starting another normal day in his routine, after taking care of all the household chores, the book seller, already dressed, goes down from his house to his bookstore, which is downstairs.
He flips the store sign from closed to open, then starts tidying up some misplaced books.

Looking out the window, Aziraphale looks for his new neighbor. His name is not yet known, but the book seller has seen him a few times coming in and out of his space, rumor has it that there will be a flower shop there.
Aziraphale loves flowers.
And Aziraphale loves meeting new people, especially neighbors, so of course he was already looking forward to getting to know the place in front of his.

At lunchtime, the book seller decided to go to his favorite coffee shop, Give me Coffee or Give me Death.
Aziraphale always found the name of the place funny, although a bit scary for a coffee shop, but it became one of his favorite places, not only because of the good food, but because of a friend he met called Nina, she is the owner there.

- Good morning Nina! - Aziraphale walked in, in a good mood, as always, approaching the counter.

- Good morning - Nina replied, with not so much energy, as usual too - Do you want the same as always?

- Please.

The book seller sat at one of the tables and waited for his order, they are cookies accompanied by hot chocolate. Aziraphale was never much of a coffee drinker.

Nina delivered the order to his table without delay, but before she left, a question arose.

- Have you met the new neighbor yet? - Aziraphale asked curiously.

- He came here this week, introduced himself and everything, it seems that the flower business is for real.

- Flowers around here don't sound like a bad idea! And what's his name?

- Crowley.

At the same moment that she said his name, a man dressed all in black and with dark glasses enters the cafe.

- Speaking of the devil - Nina says softly - I'll ask him to come back another time, now that we're at lunch time there's no room for anyone else in here.

- I can share my table with him.

- Are you sure? You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

- A company wouldn't hurt me, it's even good that I can meet the neighbor, I almost never get to see him.

- Good, if you say so. I'll see if he accepts. - Nina went towards the boy and both talked looking at Aziraphale, while the book seller, did not take his eyes off Crowley even for a second.

A few minutes later, both Nina and Crowley approached Aziraphale's table.

- Thank you so much for collaborating, sorry for the mess - Nina said to Crowley, then she turned to Aziraphale and, almost like a whisper, said - You're an angel.

- Don't forget my espresso! Pure! - It was the first thing Aziraphale heard Crowley say.

- I'll bring it, excuse me - She went back to the other tables.

In a moment, there was an awkward silence at the table. No one has said anything since the owner of the place left. One glared at the other, Crowley without trying to hide it, Aziraphale at least trying.

- Well... I didn't introduce myself, how rude. My name is Aziraphale. - He said trying to sound kind, with a slight smile.

- Yeah, Nina said. I'm Crowley. - He said seriously.

- Is it true that you're going to open a flower shop? - The seller was trying to start a conversation to break the ice.

- Yes, some details are still missing, but it's already ready.

Aziraphale couldn't stop smiling.

- What? - Crowley asked.

- Sorry, it's, no offense. You don't seem the kind of person who would own a flower shop. - Aziraphale replied.

- Why not? - the redhead asked.

What seemed like a common question came out hilarious to Aziraphale.
How so why not? A man all serious, with dark glasses and dressed completely in black helping someone to choose a tulip doesn't make any sense, it's funny. Usually when we imagine a florist, Crowley would not be the first person to come to your mind.
Aziraphale was filled with thoughts like that, but he didn't want Crowley to think he was being criticized.

- Nothing. - Aziraphale contained himself saying - I just don't imagine you as a florist.

- You should take a look at the blueprints and arrangements I've put together for the shop, maybe it'll change your mind - Crowley replied, lowering his sunglasses a bit.

- Oh, I'm looking forward to your opening! When will it be?

Nina arrived, handed over Crowley's espresso and left, quietly thanking Aziraphale again for sharing his table.

- So, when are you going to open the flower shop? - Aziraphale asked again, because they were interrupted by Nina.

- I'm... I'm not sure yet - Crowley looked tired, passing his hand behind his neck.

He has a tattoo of a sideburn along with a sideburn, Aziraphale noticed, it must have been painful to do that.

- Are you all right, neighbor? - Aziraphale asked.

- Neighbor?

- Well, since we live across from each other I... I thought it was cool to call you neighbor - The more Aziraphale tried to explain himself the more he felt ashamed, how silly those words must sound to Crowley, Aziraphale thought.

- Oh no, I don't live here - The redhead replied and took a big sip of his espresso.

- No? Oh... where do you live then?

- I still don't have a place to stay. Do you know a hotel around here?

You can stay at my place, Aziraphale thought.
But saying that would sound strange. They barely know each other.

- I must know someone who knows about a hotel, I'll find out and let you know. Where can I find you for now?

- I'm always in the flower shop, if you don't find me there I'll probably be dead. - Crowley said seriously.

Aziraphale was worried.
Crowley laughed.

- I'm kidding. No need to take it seriously. If you don't find me there it's because I'll probably be here.

After a few more conversations between the two, involving cookies, a hot chocolate and an espresso, both paid, said goodbye and went to their side of the street.
It was a friendly conversation, thought Aziraphale.
That guy smiles so much I swore I was looking at the sun, Crowley thought.

After that day, one kept exchanging contact with the other. At first, they only said hello and goodbye when they met on the street by mistake, but, a while later, they started talking for hours about anything. They were good at talking to each other. And they loved every minute and every subject of the diverse and random conversations they had.

As they got to know each other, they could already say that they had lived together for more than 6,000 years, because that was the feeling that one felt in relation to the other. They understood each other, even with contradictory opinions.

That's how it started. A friendship between Crowley and Aziraphale. A florist and a bookseller.

End of chapter 1.

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