Chapter 18

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It had taken a little while for Thor and Banner to find clothing that would fit Loki and Carly but they managed. Thor was grateful that Stark had bought a range of clothing in various styles and sizes for the both of them. When they placed a selection of clothing in the washroom for her Lady Carly had gone in. After around fifteen minutes she had opened the door slightly and in a flash of blue she had come out in her fox form.

Hearing a slight chuckle from a now dressed Loki led Thor to believe that the two could communicate telepathically, though with no access to his Seidhr his brother seemed to need to vocalise his responses. As they made their way towards the main living area he took it upon himself to let them know about the compound and the interesting advances humanity had made. He was trying to make Loki feel comfortable as he could see how tense he was but knew he wasn't being very successful. Entering the living area they were greeted by four pairs of eyes turning in their direction.

"Friends, look who has finally awoken." he boomed, throwing an arm around Loki's shoulders to stop him from edging out the room. The Arctic fox stayed protectively by his brothers feet. Thor all but dragged Loki over to the kitchen island and sat him down on one of the stools. Steve and Bucky were behind the counter getting plates out and sorting drinks. "Banner has suggested Loki has something to eat. Do you know whether Stark has purchased more Pop Tarts?"

"I don't think he meant Pop Tarts big guy." Clint called over from the sofa area. "Good to see you up and about Loki." the archer added gently.

Thor saw the surprise and confusion cross his brothers face, though he tried to hide it before turning and nodding towards the archer.

"We've just made cottage pie. There's enough for everyone, you're welcome to have some." Steve said as he pulled the dishes from the oven.

"Trust me," Bucky added. "It may not be five star dining but it's definitely better than Thor's cooking." Reaching into another cupboard the dark haired man pulled out another plate.

"These Midgardian devices are not simple to use." Thor said indignantly. And if I recall, you almost set fire to the kitchen three days ago".

"I've never used a microwave before, how was I supposed to know you can't put metal in it?"


Laughing Steve started to plate up the six plates that were on the counter when Nat called over. "You're going to need another plate Steve".

Looking up he saw Nat and Clint making their way over to the kitchen. At his confused look she nodded her head to near Loki's feet. Craning his neck he spotted the white fox near the raven haired God's feet. Nodding he turned to Bucky. "Mind getting another plate?"

As he dished up he saw Loki tense up as Nat and Clint sat at the far end of the counter. Damn, the kid looks as though he's expecting us to attack him.

Just as he was about to hand out the dishes Starks voice came floating through to them causing Loki to tense up again.

"Something smells good. What we having?" Steve saw him do a double take as he entered the room. "Hey Reindeer Games, you're finally awake. Welcome back to the land of the living." he said making his way over to grab a plate out of the cupboard whilst giving Loki space. Steve knew that they all had issues to work through and wasn't surprised that everyone was being mindful of his situation. "And I see our Foxy Lady is still a fox, damn." Steve shot Tony a look intending to say something when a flash of blue mist emanated from between the two God's catching everyone's attention.


Carly had decided to stay in her fox form for a little longer, wanting to see the compound from this angle. When she came out from changing into the black leggings, blue top and black boots she had quickly transformed back into the fox. At Loki's raised eyebrow she couldn't help defend herself.

"What? I like this form, besides it could be funny to growl at them more." In truth she was nervous. She knew that once she transformed they would have questions and she wasn't sure she was ready to answer them. Loki gave her an understanding look yet she could sense the amusement radiating from him. "Fine, I'll transform when we eat." she huffed, eliciting a chuckle from him.

As they made their way towards the kitchen she stayed as close to the raven haired man as she could listening to Thor's none stop talking and Loki glancing nervously about as though expecting to be attacked. She tried to send him reassurances that everything would be alright but it was difficult as she was not sure herself. When they had arrived to the kitchen and everyone had greeted them with no hostility she felt Loki's shock as though it were a physical thing. The fact that they were acting normally, bantering with each other surprised her as much as it did the raven haired man and she decided to trust them at least a little.
When Stark entered she saw Loki tense up. It had taken her a while to realise that Stark had been the one in the armour from the clearing though it took her less time to realise that he liked to make an entrance. When the rather confidant man commented on the fact she was still a fox she huffed, looking up at Loki. The amused, almost challenging, look her gave her had her huffing again.

"Fine." she sent, a mischievous twinkle entering her eye. Gathering up more of her power than was actually needed for the transformation she created a blue mist to surround her with a pulse of light as she changed. Stark wasn't the only one who could make an entrance.

"Shit!" Stark blurted, almost dropping the plate he had collected.

"Crap!" Barton muttered at the same time, jumping slightly.

"Language!" Steve said reflexively, receiving an eyeroll from Stark.

A quick glance confirmed that these people were Warriors, even if she had caught them by surprise. Thor's hand was curled and stance ready to defend, also poised ready to fight was the redheaded woman, a small knife in hand. The man with the metal arm had also adopted a defensive stance. The only ones who weren't ready to fight were the three who had witnessed her transformation in the clearing and Loki, though she was sure that was because he suspected what she was going to do. As she went to sit on his right, between Barton and the woman she heard a barely audible chuckle escape his lips as a small amused grin formed. Allowing a cocky grin to grace her own features she sat calmly.

"That's weird!" the metal armed man said, eyes not leaving her as she sat though his stance did relax.

"You get used to weird here." The redhead said slipping her knife away.

"Well hello Foxy Lady." Stark said, his gaze sweeping over her in an assessing manner. Since arriving here Carly had been able to rest, eat and wash, her physical health benefitting. Though she had been helping to heal Loki she had not neglected her own needs. "I'm Tony, this is Steve, Bucky, Nat and you already know Thor and Clint." Tony said indicating each person as he said their names. "What's your name? I am assuming you have one".

Accepting the plate that was put in front of her she brushed her hair behind her ear. "Carly." she said suddenly feeling nervous and exposed. She had been using her fox form so much over the last two years that she felt safe in it. As a blush started to form on her face due to the attention she felt a light pressure against her left knee. Glancing down she found Loki had pressed his right leg against hers in a discreet gesture of comfort.

Maybe that's why I feel protective of him. We are both somewhere unfamiliar with people we don't really know. she thought, feeling a warmth fill her.

"Point Break, after dinner do you want to show them to their rooms?" Stark asked, pouring himself a coffee from the pot behind him. "I've put Reindeer Games next you while our Foxy Lady has the room opposite his. Hope that's OK."

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