Chapter 33

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After spending a couple of hours chatting with Carly in the library the two went to the lounge to find Thor. Loki felt bad that he hadn't told Carly he would be returning to Asgard but he hadn't wanted to spoil the time they had.

As they approached the lounge they could hear laughter and chatter and upon entering they were greeted by the sight of Thor, Barton, Pietro, Rogers and Barnes gathered around a screen as they played a video game whilst Fandral sat nearby watching them. Romanoff and Banner sat on one of the sofa's talking quietly. Vision and Wanda were over by the kitchen counter. Loki paused, unsure whether to enter. He had not known that the Avengers who had gone on the mission for Fury had returned. He felt Carly squeeze his hand before letting go, giving him the choice of whether to enter or not. Just as he was about to step back out of the room Thor saw him.

"Brother, you have come to join us!" the blonde God called as he stood and joined Loki. The young God was certain he would be engulfed in what Thor called a hug but was surprised when he felt his brother put a gentle arm around his shoulders and walk him into the room.

"Hey Loki. Good to see you up and about." Barnes called over with a brief wave.

"How're you feeling?" Barton asked.

As the others all called over greetings Loki began to feel overwhelmed. He was not used to so many people being concerned about him. Masking how uncomfortable he felt he turned to the group. "I thank you for your concern but I am fine".

"That's good. I was starting to think you liked the hospital wing." Stark's voice came from behind him as the man walked into the room and moved towards the kitchen counter.

Movement over by the sofa's caught Loki's attention. Fandral had stood and was approaching him. Odin must have sent him to collect the unworthy son. he thought wryly. Resigned, he was just about to concede to returning when his mouth dropped open in shock as the blonde swordsman fell to one knee, right hand clenched to his left breast and head bowed. A quick glance around the room showed many of the others looking confused. Catching Carly's eye he noticed her amused grin.

"Prince Loki." the blonde began respectfully and formally. "I apologise for my wrongs against you and request your forgiveness".

For once the Silvertongued God of Mischief was lost for words. Has he knocked his head? What is going on?

"My Prince, if you allow it, I swear to protect you against all harm that should come and defend you with my life." Fandral continued, eyes still on the ground. The Avengers were all shocked at the display but could tell that it was important to the Asgardians. Carly, however, looked as though she found the whole situation amusing and if it wasn't happening to him Loki would be laughing along with her. "It would be my honour to safeguard your wellbeing".

"Fandral, stand up you fool!" Loki exclaimed, shrugging off Thor's arm which was still around his shoulders. "I do not know what has possessed you to act so foolishly but I do not think the Allfather would approve of you swearing fealty to a condemned prisoner." He said disdainfully as the warrior stood.

Surprise rippled through the room at his statement. Did they all somehow forget? Deciding this would be the best time to go he turned to Thor, standing tall, ignoring the slight pain that rippled through his back and raised his hands in front of him. "I am ready to return to my cell".

As the words left his lips he heard those around him object. Stark and Barton were exceptionally vocal.

"Loki?" Carly's voice flowed into his mind, shocked and surprised. "What are you doing?" He could hear the hurt in her voice but did not respond.

After a minute Loki wondered why his brother had not done or said anything. The shock and confusion on Thor's face confused the Trickster. Was he expecting me to try and escape? Does he think this is a trick? He must truly think so little of me. Loki knew Odin would want him back in his cell and there was no point in delaying or putting these mortals or Carly in danger.

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