Chpater five

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GUYS, I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN FOREVER!! I'm in marching band and competition season just ended like two weeks ago. It has been kicking my ass and I never had time to do anything. But now we're in concert season with only one day of rehearsal compared to four. Hopefully, I can get this book halfway finished before I hit musical theater season. I know I'm in a lot of out-of-school activities I apologize.

Lots of love,
Your author <3

˚ 🦢

Friday came around and Ivy was stressed. She was pacing around her room. In five minutes she was leaving to go see Dr. Cullen. She was nervous because A: he's attractive and she gets flustered every time he's near. And B: he's going to tell her if she's clear or not to play the game tonight. She hoped that he would seeing that it was her last first game with the team.

"Hey," Charlie said knocking on the door, "you ready?"

"Yep," Ivy said opening the door and running downstairs into his car.

The drive there was almost silent. The only thing playing was music. Charlie knew she was anxious and didn't want to stress her out even more. The two arrived and checked in before sitting in the waiting room.

Ivy bounced her leg up and down trying to calm herself. She ignored the look others were giving her. She just needed something to do.

"It's no big deal or anything. Why are you so freaked out? Fucking wuss," Ivy thought to herself.

"Ivy Swan," she heard from a voice she recognized.

She looked up and saw Carlisle standing there. A faint smile on his lips. Charlie gave her an encouraging nod before she stood up and followed Carlisle.

She went to a private room and sat on the bed. Waiting for Carlisle to finish reading her file. She filled out a paper talking about her symptoms after the wreck.

She started chewing on her fingernails and swinging her feet that were dangling from the bed. She was so distracted by herself that she didn't notice Carlisle staring at her.

He frowned lightly before speaking, "You're nervous."

Ivy jumped a little and looked at Carlisle flustered, "Oh yeah, sorry. I'll stop."

"No it's ok," Carlisle stopped himself from walking closer to her, "Why are you nervous?"

"I honestly don't know," liar.

"Hm," Carlisle could tell she was lying but didn't want to push her to tell him. "Well. Shall we start?"

Ivy nodded her head. Carlisle walked in front of her standing in between her legs. He started examining her while Ivy just sat there staring up at him.

"What's your favorite animal," Carlisle asked.

Ivy furrowed her brows before saying, "Otter."




"Little Women."

"Nice choice," Carlisle said smiling, "Movie?"

"Iron Man."

"TV show?"


"Favorite subject?"

"History... why are you asking me this," Ivy asked.

"Just making small talk so you don't have to sit there staring at me the whole time," Carlisle said casually.

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