Chapter 11-15

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11|Chapter Eleven
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    After taking a nap in the afternoon, Dad Gu told Grandpa Gu about building a house, and Grandpa Gu had no objection to it. The house is indeed too old, the walls are mottled, many tiles on the roof have been damaged, and it will leak when it rains a little bit.

    It's okay for him to live by himself, but he is afraid of damaging the books handed down by his ancestors. If those books are destroyed due to water leakage, then he will be a sinner for the family through the ages.

    Everyone has no objections, and the matter of building a house has been decided so happily.

    Regarding the style of the house, Dad Gu decided to ask someone to design it. There was no bathroom in the house before, and it was very inconvenient to go to the bathroom every time he came back to take a shower. This time, Dad Gu planned to build two bathrooms to completely solve this problem.

    Gu Weiwei has no opinion on how to build the house, but she emphasizes that the best materials must be used, and the building must be stable, and ordinary brick and tile structures will definitely not work. In addition, she also asked to build a greenhouse, which was built in the yard. The reason was that vegetables could be grown in winter, so that grandpa could also eat green vegetables in winter.

    Originally, Grandpa Gu disagreed, thinking that building a greenhouse would be too extravagant, and eating some radishes and cabbage in winter would be enough. But Papa Gu waved his hand, Jian. People in the village have to go to the town to buy fresh vegetables in winter, which is very inconvenient. Grandpa Gu often asked people who went to town to bring them back, or Papa Gu and little aunt brought some for him when they came back.

    Gu Weiwei’s proposal to build a greenhouse is to prepare for the space laboratory. Otherwise, she will be suspicious of bringing out fresh vegetables out of thin air in the future. Although the family may not be able to hide it from the family at that time, it is enough to deal with outsiders.

    Gu Xiaodi is going to take the college entrance examination in June, and now he is preparing for the competition with all his strength, so Wu Yi has a day off. The noodle shop is also inseparable from parents and parents, and they need to rush back that day. Wei Wei decides to stay with her grandfather, not to go back with them, and return to the imperial capital with Song Yi.

    The morning in the countryside starts with a rooster crowing, and at dawn, every household starts to light a fire and cook, creating a scene of smoke curling up from the kitchen. This is completely different from the life of city people, very quiet and peaceful. The only difference is that people in rural areas are woken up by crowing chickens, and people in cities are woken up by crowing cars.

    Slightly stretched his body and stretched his waist, took a deep breath, the air was so fresh, the breeze blowing on his face sent bursts of coolness, with a faint smell of grass and flowers. Many villagers have already gone to the field with hoes on their shoulders, taking advantage of the cool weather in the morning to finish their farm work.

    Farming in the countryside depends on God's face to eat. If the weather is good and the harvest is good, you can earn several thousand yuan a year. In case of drought and floods, the income will be greatly reduced, and all the hard work of facing the loess for a year may be in vain. So now fewer and fewer young people are willing to stay in the village to farm.

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