Chapter 116-120

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

After the car went around a small hill, they finally saw the sheltered No. 57 survival area. As the car slowly moved forward, the living area became more and more clearly presented in front of everyone.

Seeing the No. 57 living area, Wei Wei unconsciously compares it with their Qingyun living area. Compared with Qingyun Survival Zone, which had a small footprint and had to be expanded later, No. 57 Survival Zone was undoubtedly a giant.

At the first glance, she was shocked by the towering steel city wall, in addition to the steel city wall, there was also a moat surrounding the periphery of the living area. Only these two projects do not know how much manpower and material resources will be spent to complete them in a short period of time.

Survival Area 57 is not so much a survival area as it is a huge steel castle.

On the moat is a suspension bridge with a row of guard posts at the head of the bridge. The car needs to stop at the designated place and line up, and can only cross the bridge and enter the survival area after passing the sentry inspection. Fighting and rioting are prohibited at the gate of the city, and those who violate the order will be banned from entering the living area. If the circumstances are serious, they may be shot dead on the spot.

At this point in time, the gates of the city were already open, and vehicles and people were constantly coming in and out. There was a long winding line at the sentry post, and at this speed it would take at least an hour to get their turn.

While they were queuing, one of Ni Hong's younger brothers got off the sleigh and knocked on their car window.

"You guys line up here honestly, don't make trouble, otherwise don't expect us to save you if something happens, you'd better be acquainted. After entering, go to No. 2028, District B and find us. If you don't know anyone, just ask someone and you will know."

"Then don't you line up?" Wei Wei asked curiously.

"We are different. Our team has high contribution points and has the priority to enter the city. You are not residents of our living area, so you should queue up honestly." The younger brother replied with a proud face.

The survival area is divided into several levels according to the contribution points. As long as you reach a certain level, you will be given some preferential policies or privileges in the survival area, such as priority to enter the city.

Ni Hong's team drove the sleigh, ignoring the crowd in line, and went directly to another pass, where all the teams with priority qualifications to enter the city.

"Sister Hong, why don't you tell them that there is a special passage for the army to go through. Judging from their appearance, they should have something to do with the military. Maybe they can enter the city through the special passage." The strong man in Ni Hong's team who was in charge of delivering the message just now asked.

Before Ni Hong could speak, another burly man answered first: "You are stupid, they must have a relationship with the military because they drive military vehicles? Maybe, so what if it has something to do with the military? It’s not the military in Survival Zone No. 57. Now the major survival zones are doing their own thing, but they just maintain a superficial unity. Even if this foreign military comes to our 50th Survival Zone No. 7 also has to line up according to the rules, tigers have to lie on their stomachs, and dragons have to coil up, this is the rule set by the district chief."

"Pick it up, hey, you kid, pick one up and let me have a look? But what you said is good, if you are an outsider, it may not be true. The head of our living area is a compasses, and he is the most particular about rules."

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