Chapter 96-100

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96|Chapter 96
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    A certain mountain in the depths of the Qingyun Mountains is covered by dense vegetation, and many trees are evergreen and lush. Even if the mountain is now covered with ice and snow, it cannot conceal its vitality.

    There is a huge cave on the mountain where two special animals live. If Gu Weiwei and Song Yi were here, they would definitely know the two white apes they met last time when they entered the mountain.

    This cave is the home of two white apes, one big and one small, and this mountain can also be said to be their territory. The great white ape is a huge, agile animal, good at climbing and jumping, and is a mutant animal that has always been powerful. It has always been a top powerhouse in the forest of the Qingyun Mountains and rarely encounters opponents. However, recently, a group of powerful mutated animals have appeared in the forest, and their combat power is close to that of the great white ape, especially when it is in a state of berserk, its strength soars.

    The great white ape recently had a hard time fighting for food in order to protect the territory, and the little white ape didn't let her worry about it, and tried to make her some demands that she couldn't meet.

    Just after a tough battle, the great white ape dragged his arms home with the food he had finally found. In the fight with the mutated white bear just now, her right arm was injured.

    When I got home, I saw the little white ape obediently playing in the cave without going out. The great white ape breathed a sigh of relief. What she was most worried about was that the little white ape would run out to play while she was away. Now the forest is very dangerous, full of horrible mutant animals, and she was afraid that the little white ape would be eaten by them as snacks.

    As soon as the little white ape saw the great white ape coming back, he immediately dropped the toy in his hand and ran out.

    Little White Ape: Mom, Mom, you are finally back, so boring, can I go out for a stroll.

    Great White Ape: No, it’s very dangerous outside now, you just stay at home and are not allowed to go anywhere.

    After hearing this, the little white ape fell to the ground and rolled. It's a pity that no matter how he behaves, Great White Ape refuses to let him go out to play.

    Great White Ape: Alright, alright, come over to eat quickly, look, I found a lot of delicious food today, after dinner I will take you out for a stroll, is the head office okay?

    Little White Ape: Are you really taking me out to play?

    Great White Ape: Really, come and eat quickly.

    The little white ape jumped up happily and ran to the side of the big white ape. Seeing the things that the great white ape brought back, the little white ape suddenly lost his appetite.

    "Why is this again? I eat it every day, and I almost spit it out."

    The great white ape looked helpless at the food in front of him. This is all that can be found in the forest, and it's good if you can find it. There are many other things that animals don't have. .

    The little white ape couldn't help complaining: If only there were bananas to eat, bananas are really the best thing I've ever eaten, hey, why don't Yuan Bao and those two humans come here, if they come, I can exchange bananas with them , I really want to eat bananas.

    The great white ape also thought of those two humans. She had never seen other humans in the forest except them. Last time they came to slaughter the mutated snow wolves next door, they didn't expect that there would be a missing fish. Later, I heard that the mutated snow wolf gathered people to take revenge and never came back. Eight or nine times out of ten, it was too bad. From this point of view, the combat effectiveness of those two people is still very strong.

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