Chapter 101-105

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Chapter 101 Love Exposure

    Lin Yuanxing and Gu Xiaochuan reunited after a long absence. The love was so great that they could not wait to stick their eyes to each other. No one noticed the way Gu Ma looked at them. The others were talking about their own things, but no one noticed her abnormality.

    "Sister-in-law, what are you doing? Why are you standing at the door and not going in?"

    Gu Lihua was carrying a pile of dirty dishes and was about to go into the kitchen to wash them, when she saw Gu Ma standing in a daze at the door of the kitchen, like a statue.

    "'s okay, I was thinking about something just now." Gu Ma just came back to her senses, and went into the kitchen to continue tidying up, but the doubts in her eyes were getting deeper and deeper.

    "Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell? How about I clean it up, and you go back to rest first." Seeing her sister-in-law's absent-minded look, Gu Lihua asked with concern.

    "It's okay, it's okay, I'm not uncomfortable, let me do it."

    "Oh." Gu Lihua glanced at her sister-in-law with some anxiety, and decided to tell her brother later, she was afraid that her sister-in-law might have something to hide and she was embarrassed to speak to her .

    Gu's mother tidied up the bowls and pans in such a restless manner that she almost broke the plate by mistake, but fortunately, Gu Lihua caught it quickly with her sharp eyes.

    "Sister-in-law, don't be too tired. Are you worried about Wei Wei's marriage? Don't worry too much. Even if you don't catch up with the auspicious day of the ninth day, there will be better days in the future. Don't be so anxious to marry Wei Wei." Because of the mutant animal

    , Wei Wei and Song Yi's wedding may not be held as scheduled, and Gu Lihua thinks that she is disturbed because of this matter.

    "Hey, children are debts." Gu Ma sighed and said meaningfully.

    At night,

    Gu Ma lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, thinking about the interaction between Xiao Chuan and Lin Yuanxing today, and carefully recalling the scenes of the two getting along in the past, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

    It was strange that Lin Yuanxing suddenly appeared in Gu Ma after the earthquake, but they didn't think much about it at that time, and no one thought in that direction.

    They might...

    Thinking of this possibility, her heart suddenly turned cold, and her hands and feet became cold.

    what to do? What should she do?

    She lay on the bed and kept sighing, and Gu's father, who was already asleep beside her, was woken up by her. She couldn't help but said, "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night? Is it uncomfortable?" "No, just a little

    sleepy I don’t know.”

    Gu Ma frowned and shook her head, watching Pa Gu hesitate to speak, wondering if she should tell him. In the end, I decided to forget it, and I will talk about it after I ask Xiao Chuan tomorrow. Gu's mother was afraid that Gu's father would not be able to accept it, but in fact, she herself was not very able to accept it.

    "Don't think about those messy things, go to sleep quickly, don't worry about it, there are still many things to do tomorrow." Gu's father patted Gu's mother on the back, took her into his arms, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

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