Chapter 16-20

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16|Chapter Sixteen
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    The four of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Song Yi seldom spoke so solemnly. The other three looked at each other, not understanding what happened.

    "I'm afraid our plan will be advanced. I got the news that it will be early next year at the latest." Song Yi thought for a while, and finally said.

    "What? So fast? Didn't you say it will take another year or two?" Hua Feng said in surprise. The deterioration of the earth's environment has become so serious?

    "Is the news reliable?" Xiang Tianming frowned and asked.

    "Reliable." The actual time was earlier, but he couldn't be too precise.

    Song Yi looked at the other three people. They used to be comrades-in-arms. He and Xiang Tianming retired together because of something. After that, Hua Feng and Sheng Congwen also retired one after another. If possible, he hopes to be able to walk with them all the time. The apocalypse that Gu Weiwei described was even more tragic than they expected, and it was impossible to survive the apocalypse for a long time with only one person's strength.

    "What are your plans, my family..." Song Yi hesitated to speak.

    "Hey, I'm a loner anyway, whether it was before or in the future, I've always followed you." Hua Feng shrugged indifferently. He is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. In his heart, the eldest is his closest relative.

    "If I have a father, I don't have a father. It's the same as you." Xiang Tianming laughed at himself.

    Xiang Tianming's mother died when he was two years old. Later, his father remarried and gave birth to two sons and two daughters. Where there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather. His life at home can be described as miserable. He has never had a good day since he was a child, and he didn't leave that home until he was a soldier.

    Sheng Congwen had a happy childhood, but an earthquake killed his family of five when he was eight years old, and he was the only one lucky enough to survive under the protection of his father. After the earthquake, I grew up with my elderly grandparents, who have passed away now. As for other relatives, no one cared about him when he almost starved to death, and they basically don't contact him now.

    When they were selected to join the special team, it seemed that some orphans or people with few relatives were deliberately selected. Most of these people are resolute and decisive, with a sense of ruthlessness, and they are ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to themselves. This is what people who grew up in a peaceful environment lack. Fewer close relatives means fewer weaknesses, and it is not easy to be controlled and shaken by others.

    In the end, the three of them followed Song Yi in the future. In the past, they were comrades in arms who depended on life and death, and now they are brothers connected by blood.

    Song Yi plans to rebuild the house with the Gu family. There are three more people in the family, and the place needs to be bigger.

    From that day on, Song Yi and the others entered a state of combat readiness.


    The weather in May is getting hotter and hotter. The temperature once reached 367 degrees. For many days in the imperial capital, the sky was clear and the sky was as blue as the sea, with no clouds to be seen. At night, the sky is full of stars, standing under the night sky and looking up, it seems that you can touch it with your hand.

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