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Large wooden carriages rattle harshly against the stone covered ground, causing the carriage to rock unevenly. The scenery constantly changing. Birds softly rattled the carriage as they flew past.

Lucery peered through the small window. Eyes taking in the palace, he pursed his lips as he saw the banners hanging on the large towers. Hightower.

Lucerys turns when he feels his mothers hand on his head, she offers him a sweet smile. "All will be good my love." She offers, running her fingers through the loose ringlets of his hair. Lucerys in return hums softly, not finding much comfort in her words.

He was about to enter the snakes den, the only upside is that he will have his family at his side and thankfully, Aenys. The elder grew to become his brother, guiding him and raising him as the man he was today.

He felt more comfortable in his position as heir of Driftmark thanks to him. Lucerys knew that his grandfather can die any day but he wasn't scared as he was before, he was ready. He just hated this, hated being summoned to his old home, it wasn't his home anymore.

"Will Aenys be there?" Jacerys asks, after all these years, guilt still ate at him.

Daemon meets his gaze, narrowing them briefly. It has been years since that night and dinners have been awkward but Aenys knew his duty to the family was more important then any petty revenge.

"He is, and he's bringing his lovely wife, thankfully. This gathering might very well be a dull affair and it will do me good to have a lovely face to look at." Rhaenyra answers, gently placing a hand on her pregnant belly.

Daemon lifts an eyebrow, "am I not lovely enough for you?" Daemon asks

Lucerys and Jacerys both look at one another and laugh, shaking their heads. Rhaena smiles amused.

"Your hilarious my love." Rhaenyra says dryly

The carriage suddenly slows, a large voice bombs, startling her out of her thoughts. "All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone, heir to the Iron Throne and the royal family." a Royal attendant announces.

The door opens and a hand appears, offering it to the princess, the kingdoms heir.

Rhaenyra gives herself a few moments to collect herself, before reaching over to grasp the hand.



A young infant barely out of her cradle was seated on a soft rug, in her hands was a rattle as she tapped it against a stone table, her eyes big and wide as she stared at everything and anything.

A tall man enters the room and he kneels besides her, his face youthful and handsome, he reaches down and he gently cradles her into his arms.

"Look at you." He coos

The girl stares up at the man and she begins to babble, giggling up at the man. "Yes yes my dear, we are taking you to your mother and father, they will be so happy to see such a pretty face." The man whispers, his accent rich and deep.

The girl sighs deeply, leaning her head against his chest.


At the Red Keep.

Princess Rhaenyra and Daemon weren't greeted with love and warmth as they initially had expected, leaving them cold. They hadn't expected such change from their former home.

Everything was green and covered with sigils of the seven.

"This isn't our home." Rhaenyra whispers, her two sons slowly approaching her side. "Everything seems, smaller." Jace whispers

"My prince, your sons dragon have been spotted." An attendant announces.


Daemon leads his wife and their children through the beach, as they approach the rough tides. There still wasn't a sign of Alicent and her children. They felt deeply disrespected, seems they don't honor any royal traditions, including greeting their guests.

Daemon watched as the duo headed dragon makes a sweep down, landing with a harsh thud, creating a small tremor onto the ground.

Lucerys straightens up his posture as he watches as Aenys dismounts his dragon while helping his wife down from the saddle. The two of them pause for a moment, with Astoria touching lightly at his head with a smile before they make their way to the small family.

Both of them were beautiful as they approach, husband and wife perfectly fitted for the other.

"Princess." Aenys greets, offering a deep bow. Rhaenyra smiles and she approaches him, gently bringing him into her arms. "No need for formalities, you are my son." Rhaenyra says softly, cradling his angular face. The princess had opened her heart to the older boy, knowing he needed as much love as her other two. She knew it was difficult for him to not be able to see his birth mother.

Daemon saw the influence she had on him and forbid him from seeing her.

"Thank you mother." He whispers in her hair before pulling away and turning to Jacerys. "Still have that weird haircut I see." Aenys states, watching as the tension in Jacerys shoulders drain in relief. No matter how many times Aenys proves he wasn't angry, Jacerys has that constant fear that he'll feel the elders blade in his back.

Rhaenyra playfully slaps his arm. "Still an ass." Jacerys answers, dodging his mothers smack, laughing at her playful glare. "He says he's growing it out." Rhaena says, stepping up and hugging her older brother.

Aenys smiles. "Yeah well, he'll still be ugly." Aenys jokes, avoiding the sharp jab towards his ribs, turning to young Lucerys. "You know some would mistake you for the elder, when did you get a grow spurt?" Aenys asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Lucerys smiles and he brings him a quick hold, patting his back. "It's good to see you too Aenys, I'm glad your here." Lucerys says, pulling away to meet his gaze. "Of course." Aenys answers, bringing a hand up and messing up his hair. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't think you were fit for the Salt throne." Aenys says

"Seems my dear husband has forgotten someone, hello father." Astoria greets, curtsying before Daemon before she's brought into a hug. "I didn't forget him dear wife, he just prefers your face over mine, so I left you to greet him first, soften him up for me." Aenys teases, approaching his father.

Daemon scoffs, releasing Astoria to greet his son. "I just saw your wretched face, don't test me." Daemon teases, their arms locking in a greeting. "There's that too, but it's still good to see you without battle raging around us." Aenys says softly

The years have been kinder to their relationship. Daemon wasn't as tough as he was before, Aenys grew up to be a man he was proud of.

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