Chapter 8-Turning the tides

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Dawn's birdcalls were interrupted by the sounds of battle. Kiba's team were engaging their targets in a patch of rocky ground at the edge of the forest.

"Fang over fang!" Kiba bellowed as he and Akamaru rushed at Sakon and Ukon. Sakon launched himself out of the way and made several hand signs.

"Parasitic touch," he muttered and rushed at Kiba as he stopped spinning. Red chakra spread over Sakon's hands as he got closer to Kiba. Kiba dodged backwards, avoiding any blow the pale haired man tried to land. Sakon's fingers grazed Kiba's arm. Kiba yelled in pain and slammed his foot into Sakon's face, using him as a springboard. He landed next to Kankuro as Sakon was sent flying backwards. Kiba pulled his jacked sleeve up to examine the wound and stared in horror. The cut was only small, but already there was a black mark spreading across his skin. Kiba felt his muscles twitch and his arm threw a punch at Kankuro. The blow was blocked by Karasu's arm.

"What are you doing?!" Kankuro yelled at Kiba as he aimed another blow.

"It's not me!" Kiba grabbed his possessed hand, "They must be controlling me!"

Sakon managed to get to his feet, the pattern of his curse mark spreading when a hail of kunai forced him to dive for cover. He cursed as several of the blades cut into his arm. Ino joined Kiba as he restrained his arm and she started trying to heal the infection. Kiba's arm lashed out at Ino, catching her in the stomach. Kiba grabbed his wrist again as Ino got back to her feet and started fighting the infection again.

"Sorry," Kiba grunted.

Tenten readied another volley of weapons to cover Ino and Kiba as Ukon appeared from her left, first raised to strike. She managed to dodge the blow and rammed a blade into his shoulder before distancing herself.

"You think you're the only one with projectiles?" Ukon snarled, moving as if to reach inside his clothes. The skin on his forearms rippled where the curse mark had turned it black, then sharpened into spines.

"Viral darts!" Ukon screamed, flicking his arms and sending the spines flying at Tenten.

Tenten ducked the spikes but as they hit the ground behind her, they exploded into a crimson mist. She coughed and covered her mouth as the mist floated around her.

"That mist is made of particles of my own blood. Even when separated from me, I can still control those cells. Every time you breathe in, more of my cells get into your body and rip it apart from the inside," Ukon sneered as Tenten's knees gave out and she sank into the mist.

Kankuro saw Tenten fall, he swung Kuroari around and grabbed her with the puppet as Ukon moved in for the kill. Ukon tried to go after Tenten, but Karasu appeared in front of him and rammed a blade into his chest. The markings on his body darkened and spread as he went into level two. Kiba pulled a torn piece of material around his arm tight as Ino turned towards Sakon's hiding place. Akamaru whimpered, causing Kiba to turn and see Ukon's form changing. Kankuro pulled Karasu back as Ukon grabbed the puppet and pulled the blade from his chest. The wound from the blade closed and Ukon fired another barrage of darts, this time at Kiba. He grabbed Ino and launched himself away, dodging the needle like darts and the red mist. Ino pulled an explosive tag and kunai from her pouch and hurled it at Ukon. The blade buried itself in Ukon's arm, his eyes widened as he saw the tag but he couldn't react fast enough. The blast sent rock chunks flying in every direction. The team regrouped as the smoke cleared and Ukon reappeared.

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